Page 92 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 92
Chayei Adam - K’lal 141 - Laws of the Tekiahs & Berachos & Who is Obligated In Them
]8[ If the one who began blowing shofar was unable to finish, someone else
should finish blowing relying on the beracha of the first person because the first
person intended to discharge everyone who hears it. If so, it is as if everyone
made the beracha, since we hold that shomei’a k’oneh (hearing is like answering),
even if he didn’t answer amein. The same is true even if the first person wasn’t
able to blow at all. If the second person didn’t hear the beracha, then he must
recite it quietly to himself. If [the second baal tokei’a] entered in the middle of
the tekios and didn’t hear the first blasts of the shofar, it is doubtful whether or
not he should begin blowing from the beginning for his own sake, because even
though we hold that the order is not absolutely requisite and if so he could blow
for the tzibur and then blow the blasts he was missing, nevertheless, since he
makes the beracha for himself, he should blow in order. Perhaps this is the doubt
of the Shi’arei Kneses Hagedolah cited by the Elya Rabba. It appears to me, that it
depends on the circumstances. 53
]9[ Neither the one blowing nor those listening should speak from the time
the berachos are recited until after all of the tekiahs, both those blown before
musaf, and those blown during the chazan’s repetition. It appears to me that the
םדו רשב
as an obligation (see above siman 3) they to answer amein to a beracha if one intends to
should also refrain from eating a meal אמ fulfill his obligation with it (see vol. 1 K’lal 6), the
nevertheless, in case of illness or weakness, mechanics of ‘shomaya k’oneh’ (hearing is like
the Chayei Adam posits that they may eat, answering) does not require it.
since their acceptance was likely made with
this in mind. See also Eishel Avraham 51. i.e. although the mitzva wasn’t started
Butchatch who expresses the same line of yet, since one person can technically recite a
reasoning. beracha on behalf of another person, even if
he already fulfilled his obligation. Certainly
49. Tur quoting the Ri, and is the then this is true if the person who recited it
consensus of the rishonim. Ideally, however, will also fulfill his obligation by hearing
the one blowing shofar should be the one to someone else blow shofar.
recite the berachos. (Taz)
52. If he intends to fulfill his own
50. Although there is a greater obligation obligation now. If, however, he has already