Page 27 - Live-cellanalysis handbook
P. 27

Kinetic Proliferation Assays

           Additionally, the IncuCyte system was used to study effects of   a bid to block antigen-driven T-cell proliferation and induce T-cell
           L-kynurenine (L-kyn) on T-cell proliferation and clustering. L-kyn   death, thus allowing cancer cells to escape immune surveillance.
           is a metabolite formed from the catabolism of L-tryptophan by   Inhibitors of IDO and/or TDO are therefore promising therapeutic
           the enzymes indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and tryptophan   targets for the treatment of cancer. Figure 11 shows time-course
           2,3-dioxygenase (TDO). Some cancers increase L-kyn production in   results of L-kyn inhibition of T-cell proliferation and clustering.

           A  Proliferation                                  B  Cluster formation
                                                                Cluster count
             % confluence                                       (per well)
             100         anti-CD3/IL-2 (10 ng/mL)               1500
                                                  37.5 µM
                          L-kyn 18.75 µM
                                                  75 µM                                              L-kyn 18.75 µM
              80                                                                                     37.5 µM
                                                                                                     anti-CD3/IL-2 (10 ng/mL)
                                                                1000                                 75 µM

                                                                                                     150 µM
                                                  150 µM
                   n=6 replicates
                                                                                                     300 µM
              20                                                   0
                24   48   72    96   120  144  168                  24     48      72      96      120
                              Time (h)                                            Time (h)
           C AUC x 10 3                                      D   AUC x 10 4
              (48 – 168 h)                                       (24 – 120 h)
               9                                                  7

               8                                                  6

               7                                                  5

               6          IC =110 µM                              4          IC =170 µM
                          (slope=2.9)                                        (slope=2.9)
               5                                                  3
               4                                                  2

               3                                                  1
               -5.5    -5.0    -4.5    -4.0    -3.5                -5.5    -5.0    -4.5    -4.0    -3.5
                            Log [L-kyn] (M)                                    Log [L-kyn] (M)

                                           E IL-2/anti-CD3                        F + L-kyn (150 µM)

           Figure 11. L-kynurenine inhibits T-cell
           proliferation and clustering. Data
           demonstrates a clear concentration-related
           inhibition of IL-2/anti-CD3 activated T-cell
           proliferation (A) and clustering (B) with the
           addition of exogenous L-kyn, over time.
           Time-course profiles enabled AUC analysis
           and generation of concentration-response
           curves from which IC50 values for inhibition
           of proliferation (C) and clustering (D)
           were determined. Images reveal reduction
           of clustered morphology with addition
           of L-kyunerenine (F) when compared to
           activated t-cells (E).

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