Page 28 - Live-cellanalysis handbook
P. 28

Live-Cell Analysis Handbook — Third Edition


       The IncuCyte Live-Cell Analysis System, in conjunction with   •    Proliferation assays can be run in microplates (96-well and
       proprietary software tools and IncuCyte’s NucLight nuclear-  384-well) with high precision and reproducibility. In 384-
       labeling reagents, provide a flexible assay platform for kinetic   well plates, a mix and read assay is exemplified whereby full
       measurements of proliferation. These assays achieve quantitative   concentration-response curves of 16 standard anti-proliferative
       and reproducible analysis of both adherent and non-adherent   agents were compared. In a single IncuCyte instrument, 6 x
       cells, in monoculture and importantly, co-culture, and without   384-well plates can be monitored providing >2000 wells of
       removing cells from the physiologically-relevant environment of   parallel data acquisition.
       a tissue culture incubator. Image-based methodologies give the
       user the ability to monitor morphological changes in parallel with   •    All data and time points can be verified by inspecting individual
       quantification, the combination of which is a powerful and unique   images and/or time-lapse movies. Cell morphology observations
       tool for detecting pharmacological or genetic manipulations that   provide additional validation and insight into mechanistic
       alter cell viability or function.                        differences between treatments or conditions.

       •    Kinetic, label-free confluence or cell count measurements   •    Non-adherent cell proliferation and clustering can be visualized
         over several cell divisions can be generated using phase image   due to the non-perturbing nature of the IncuCyte’s optical
         segmentation and without using fluorescent labels– an ideal   design. Non-adherent cells stay stationary; there is no stage or
         strategy for mono-culture analysis.                    sample movement, rather the optics move.

       •    Fluorescent reagents that label nuclei (e.g., IncuCyte NucLight
         reagents) can be used to measure proliferation of mono-
         cultures when cells are of low contrast and therefore difficult
         to identify via segmentation of phase contrast images.
         Nuclear-labeling strategies can also be used to differentiate the
         effects of supporting cells on the proliferation of a labelled cell

       •    IncuCyte’s kinetic label-free cell counting method can also
         differentiate between proliferation rates of subpopulations
         in co-cultures when individual cell types are of different size
         or shape (non-adherent cells only), or when the individual
         populations can be identified using cell surface markers
         (adherent or non-adherent cells), or when one population is
         fluorescently labelled with a nuclear marker (IncuCyte NucLight

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