Page 356 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 356

338  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   15.22  Secretion of milk components by the columnar epithelium of the mammary gland (schematic).

                   mammary gland by plasma cells in the interstitial connec-  duct epithelium is capable of secretory activity. The ducts
                   tive tissue, and reach the milk via trans-epithelial transport.  are surrounded by a loose network of myoepithelial cells
                   They provide passive immunity. Early intake of immu-  that facilitate the ejection of milk.
                   noglobulins by the neonate is important for immune
                   protection of domestic mammals with an epitheliochorial   LACTIFEROUS SINUS (SINUS LACTIFER)
                   type of placenta (horse, ruminant, pig).       Larger ducts empty into expanded chambers referred to
                      Lactose (glucose and galactose) and most of the enzy-  as lactiferous sinuses. These are lined with a bi-layered
                   mes present in milk are produced locally in the secretory  cuboidal to columnar epithelium. The number of sinuses
                   epithelium of the mammary gland. A product of the Golgi  corresponds with the number of teat canals (two in the
                   apparatus, lactose is synthesised exclusively in the mam-  horse, one in the cow and two to three in the sow).
                   mary gland.
                      Other milk components, particularly electrolytes (cal-  INTERSTITIUM OF THE LACTATING MAMMARY
                   cium, potassium, chloride, phosphate, iron), enter the   GLAND
                   epithelial cells from underlying capilllaries and are trans-  The interstitial connective tissue of the mammary gland
                   ported into the milk.                          (Figure 15.20) is composed predominantly of collagen
                      The non-luminal surface of the epithelial cells of  fibre bundles. Particularly near alveoli and proximal lac-
                   the alveoli is surrounded by myoepithelial cells. These  tiferous ducts, these bundles incorporate smooth muscle
                   ectodermal derivatives have become modified to include  cells. Delicate elastic fibres form basket-like investments
                   contractile filaments and thus perform a similar function  around the terminal alveoli. The connective tissue hou-
                   to smooth muscle cells. Myoepithelial cells carry oxytocin  ses a dense capillary network, arterioles, venules, lymph
                   receptors on their surface. Activation of these receptors  vessels and autonomic nerve fibres. The cell population
                   results in contraction of the cell and narrowing of the alve-  includes immune cells (lymphocytes and plasma cells) and
                   lolar lumen (milk let-down reflex, milk ejection reflex).  mast cells.
                   The myoepithelial cells are lined externally by the basal
                   lamina.                                        Structure of the quiescent mammary gland
                                                                  When the gland becomes inactive, during the dry period
                   DUCTS (DUCTUS LACTIFERI)                       or after a sudden cessation of milking, secretion accumu-
                   The duct system begins as small excretory passages within  lates in the alveoli, the epithelium reduces in height and
                   the intralobular connective tissue (Figure 15.20). These  the organelles contributing to secretion become largely
                   converge to form larger interlobular ducts, which join to  inactive. Adjacent alveoli often become disrupted, for-
                   give rise to a lactiferous duct that drains a mammary lobe.  ming larger terminal sections. There is an increase in the
                   The proximal portions of this duct system are lined by a  population of macrophages, partial degeneration of the
                   simple cuboidal to columnar epithelium. More distally the  parenchyma and involution of alveoli. The loose connec-
                   epithelium becomes bi-layered. The initial portion of the  tive tissue becomes partially infiltrated with fat.

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