P. 35
While developing the vision by few might be more efficient, the vision needs to be shared by
all stakeholders in order to be pursued effectively. Most visions define what executives want
the enterprise to be in 10 years or so
Vision is a short, succinct statement of what the organization intends to become
and to achieve at some point in the future. It is the image that a business must
have of its goals before it sets out to reach them. Often the Vision Statement is
confused with, or interchanged with the Mission Statement. The vision statement is
future orientated. It is about what the future will look like if the mission is achieved.
When Martin Luther King said "I have a dream" he was making a vision statement,
aspirational in outlook with no defined time limit. In other words vision statements
are not time related nor do they display specificity or measurability.
Their objective of the mission statement is to inspire from top to bottom within the
The diagram below shows the relationship between vision and mission aims goals and
objectives. It gives the general outline and characteristics associated with each element.