Page 13 - ASSESSMENT OF ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
P. 13
large as possible and include plenty of detail. Envision the children that by so doing
and by writing neatly, they are serving other people who may want to find out about
the antiques.
5. We displayed our antiques tastefully and set the children’s work by each one.
Then we invited another class to come and browse. More able children could read
the appropriate information themselves. The ‘curators’ of the museum (ie the
children) were happy to explain things to less able children.
6. Let the children draw, and write about, their antique.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
1. The children will have handled old things which have been kept through time and
have tried to say what they tell us about their owners, as well as life in times past.
2. The children will have become more aware of the evidence that shows that
something is old.
3. The children’s interest in workmanship of the past will have been stimulated, and
they will have been encouraged to be creative and inventive.
Truth to Teach (Source)
Philippians 3:10 Knowledge which involves first-hand experience is richer than
knowledge which is purely academic.
¾ To visit a local museum to see first-hand some antiques, eg a farm museum
Way to Work (Means)
You may want to do this introduction earlier on in the week, before the actual visit..
1. How many of you have ever thought, “I wish I could have been alive when Jesus was
on the earth, and watched him do miracles, and listened to him teach, and seen his
(Changing World, Unchanging God) 11