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Truth to Teach
The United Kingdom is part of the continent of Europe. It is one nation but is comprised of
the countries of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, ruled over by one monarch
but with different governing bodies. It is important to appreciate our differences as well as
our similarities and to pray for unity within our nation.
Way to Work
1. Review the position of the nations within Europe.
2. If possible, show a video of the different parts of the UK. Bring out the contrasts
and similarities.
3. Show a map of the UK and give each child an individual one to fill in:-
a) England, Scotland, Wales, N Ireland
b) Main mountain ranges
c) Capital cities
d) Main rivers
e) Seas around the UK
f) Main forests
The children could refer to atlases for this information
4. Discuss how our nation is governed and how blessed we are that we have a
God-fearing monarch. Talk about the House of Commons and Lords.
5. Seek to find statistics indicating how many people claim to be Christians,
Moslems, Buddhists, Catholics, etc.
6. Discuss the meaning of the words – unity, diversity and interdependence as they
relate to the UK.
7. Give the children the challenge of presenting a display on one of the
four countries in the UK in two weeks. The next lesson will be given over to
doing this but some may need to be done for homework. Provide books, etc.
The display should include: location, size, religion, government, resources,
(God's Heart for Europe) 13