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The children will need to learn to use maps to travel in God’s world. They will need to learn
compass points and map symbols.
Way to Work
1. Refer to the work done by the children on their various European nations. This
work could be available for everyone to see over the remaining weeks of the term.
2. Read Isaiah 40:12-15 with the children. The children could each drop the name of a
European nation in a bucket. Emphasise that God knows the position of every
nation and where everyone lives, but we need to use maps or globes to view the
earth. Discuss the difference between a map and a globe.
3. Give out any Ordnance Survey maps for the children to gather around in groups.
Let them find the following: - scale, discussing the different ones we see on maps
- north, ensuring that they know the eight compass
- contour lines, showing the way these are used
- grid lines, giving examples so that the children can use
- various map symbols, eg telephone, camp-sites
- motorways, A and B roads, footpaths
4. Let the children draw a compass with the eight compass points marked on it.
The children could write sentences or draw pictures to explain grid lines and
contour lines. Let them select a number of map symbols to draw and name.
The extra worksheet could be used to reinforce compass directions.
5. Conclude the lessons with questions to ensure that the children have understood the
main teaching points on map-reading.
Useful resources: ‘Oxford Primary Geography’ Books 1-4 pub by Oxford University Press.
Book 1 - ISBN 0 19 833470 2 ; Book 2 - ISBN 0 19 833471 0
Book 3 - ISBN 0 19 833472 9 ; Book 4 - ISBN 0 19 833473 7
Tel: 01536 741519 ; Fax: 01536 454519
These books are designed for each of the four Junior year groups.
‘Map Detectives’, an IT package.
Learning for Life
(God's Heart for Europe) 16