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Happy Fathers Dayy
Happy Fathers Day
H H a p p y F a t h e r s D a y
By Kiyaki Tewodros
a n d m y
best after friends dancing together.
a few of So he still wanted to go
them but with me because he loves
he agreed me and wanted to have spe-
to go on cial memory.
the last The night before the
ride with last time, we prayed to-
me and the gether as a family and we
ride was a all slept in my parents
twister so bed and I always remem-
he got bered that like God wanted
r e a l l y us to be together the last
Photo Nahum
Hello, I would like dizzy af- time. We will always re-
terward and sprayed water member him. He is so Great
to start off by saying
all of him and I got mad and brilliant and as I
“Happy Fathers day” and
because I wanted to do know; we all love him;
thank you for reading
more but mammy said it some as a mentor, some as
DinQ magazine.
was time to go and I was a friend and others as a
thirsty but he had drank relative. He wanted Dinq
The passing of my dad
all my water so I started and Admas to be great and
Tewodros Dagne a year ago,
crying but know as I am make everyone happy and he
it broke my heart at
older I realized that he did and lived a great
first. It was because he
only went on that ride life.
is an amazing father and because he loved me so
husband and friend and God wanted him be-
much he knew he was going cause he had done all the
founder of dinq magazine to be sick but he did it
and Admas radio. I remem- things that life had set
anyway and and I am so up for him; I believe Baba
ber the bubble baths and
happy. finished his journey and
when we go to parks and
About a week in now he is in a better
fil a and parks. We would
quarantine he took us to place.
have the time of our
the park and we played From now on, we
soccer me as goalie, Ala- shall not cry (we already
Vacations were the
zar as a kicker and my spent the first 6 months
best even when he sat
dad also as the kicker. on that) but instead be
there at the table doing While he was doing this, joyful for what he accom-
work having him and seeing
he was sick but he wanted plished. We should look
him work was amazing. Be- us to enjoy the time and
cause I know he is there ahead for what we will do,
I could see that he was not what we didn’t.
and will never let time really enjoy, so do we.
go for granted. Also when Thank you for read-
In February, he was ing my note today. I would
he would make me sit there
sick and he was just ly- like to say thank you eve-
for hours to learn the 6
ing on the couch but on ryone for this up for my
and 7 multiplications be-
“the father daughter dad.
fore 3rd grade because he
dance day”; he went with I would also like to
wanted me to be ahead and
me to dance. When the thank melkamu, getu, ake-
not struggle with them in
dancing starts, he didn’t sta amaslae,Tsion, Dawit,
3rd grade.
do the limbo because (I Workneh and my whole fam-
When I was 4 or 5 we repeat) he was sick.
went to this amusement ily for helping my mom go
Amazingly, we did all the through this difficult
park and there were only a C slow dances together;
few rides I could do and time.
he also took videos of me Happy Father’s Day!
baba was not feeling the
DINQ magazine June 2021 Stay Safe 47
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