Page 55 - Dinq 219 April_ 2021 FiNaL
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Honouring...                           One of his radio listener also said ‘we are   He had no time for himself, never allowed





       C C
       Continued from pagee  544             beyond saddened to learn about the loss

       Continued from page 54
                                                                                    anger  to  cloud  his  judgment  or  let  short
      short leave. Teddy was a committed Chris-  of Tewodros. He was the ultimate class
                                                                                    term  reversals  undermine  his  optimism
      tian  who  believed  that  life  on  earth  was  act,  bringing  his  laughter  and  joy  into
                                                                                    and  his  enduring  faith  in  a  bright  future.
      only a short life.                     listeners’ ear every weekend on his live
                                                                                    He saw in every setback an opportunity to
                                             radio  for  many  years.  We  will  forever
      I  think  he  was  known  as  the  host  of  live                             learn  every  misfortune  from  others.  Peo-
                                             miss him, love and cherish the memories
      radio! He instilled that dream and mentality                                  ple  always  went  to  him  for  advice  or  to
                                             he shared with us.’
      that made his co-workers into that formida-                                   seek  help  to  solve  their  problems  using
      ble  side.  His  co-hosts,  board  members,  Aside  from  this:  He  listened  to  the  per-  his  large  network  of  friends  and  Medias
      other  friends  and  associates  assume  the  sonal  and  family  problems,  understood   without  expecting  a  return.  He  gave  his
      more  challenging  responsibility  to  serve  their  struggles,  then  digested  their  chal-  own  assessments  to  many  and  thus
      the community he left. They said they will  lenges wherever possible extended help   earned  unforgettable  love  in  people’s
      continue the mission and the vision of the  in form of a connection or money or just   heart.  Moreover,  he  designated  his  talk
      radio  show  as  long  as  the  listeners  and  offered his advices. He never got bitter,   show  radio  as  voices  of  the  people  and
      business owners resumed their supports to  never  lost  hope,  never  lost  faith  in  the   his office to be a contact center to reach
      continue his legacy.                   goodness  of  the  human  soul,  he  never   the  needy.  Because  he  wanted  to  see
                                             judged  anyone,  never  complained,  and   smile on the face of all.
      I heard the co-hosts saying ‘they enjoyed a
                                             never  abandoned  his  friends.  He  was
      warm  partnership  with  Teddy  until  his                                    My final point goes to his wife Ms. Raheal
                                             deeply cared for his friends and family.
      death.  He  was  loveable  guy.  They  will                                   and  his  Children:  Your  grief  should  be
      never forget his sweet smile, his amazing  He reads people writing and comments,   relieved  by  the  fact  that  Teddy  has  not
      voice, and his warmth and love that used  reflected, introspected. He developed an   died. He has retired from this world to the
      to show them. His friends are also forever  incredible insight into the weakness and   next and is waiting for others to join him.
      grateful for the time they spent with him-for  strength  of  the  community  system  and   He  made  many  mistakes  and  misjudg-
      his  warmth  and  his  sense  of  humor.  We  began writing his opinion on how to im-  ments. But looking at his role he played in
      were beyond lucky to have him as a men-  prove  the  community’s  endeavor.  In  al-  the community, one conclusion is unmis-
      tor in our careers and aspire us every day  most all the time, he talked for the forgot-  takable;  he  was  bigger  than  those  mis-
      to fill his shoes on the show. It is an honor  ten people-of those who are out of work,   takes. At his gesture, I would like to send
      to  serve  him  and  replace  him  on  his  talk  men who wrongly incarcerated those with   my deepest love and condolences to his
      show radio. His radio co-hosts would have  medical or family problems. Truly speak-  entire family and hope they can find some
      immensely  benefitted  from  his  notable  ing, it is rare to find such a selfless soul-  comfort  in  knowing  he  left  the  world  for
      achievements  if  he  had  been  around  for  concerned about the issues of everyone   better  place.  Finally,  It  is  difficult  to  say
      long.  The  Ethiopian  community  always  else  when  his  own  weighed  heavily  on   goodbye to someone I knew for long time.
      remembers his commitment.              him.  Who  does  that?  That  was  Teddy   Anyway HE IS MISSED♣

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