Page 74 - OSEP Management Module 5_Neat
P. 74
The survey provided the following information (commercial member analysis):
• average income was between $25000–35000 per annum
• 45 per cent had completed Year 12
• there was a wide range of ages (14 and 73 years)
• 65 per cent of members are female
• 70 per cent of members are married
• 65 per cent have children
• 85 per cent have a history of sport and recreation participation
• 75 per cent had not participated in resistance training programs prior to joining
the Hervey Bay Health, Fitness and Testing Centre
• 35 per cent had been members of other fitness centres in Hervey Bay prior to
their membership of the Hervey Bay Health, Fitness and Testing Centre.
Commercial member analysis
The survey also provided the department with information in relation to past and
current commercial members. This information included:
• 70 per cent are currently participating in competitive organised sport
• 75 per cent participate in fitness and recreation activities other than those
undertaken at the Hervey Bay Health, Fitness and Testing Centre
• 20 per cent have a family member who is also a member of the Hervey Bay
Health, Fitness and Testing Centre.
Control systems
There is a range of staff polices and procedures that outline what, who, when, why
and how things are to be done and how the success of these strategies is to be
measured. These policies and procedures are outlined in a staff induction pack,
which is provided to all staff in a 1 day induction program delivered by the centre
For all current programs, 3 main systems for control or evaluation will be
implemented. These are:
1. a cost analysis of each service, comparing income versus expenditure
2. survey results specific to each specific service
3. various reporting mechanisms. These reports would include:
– centre manager monthly reports, which would outline the events of the
month, membership numbers, expenditure, client issues, injury reports,
maintenance reports and upcoming events for the forthcoming month
– monthly reports from the centre staff, outlining tasks successfully completed
in the month, problems encountered, client issues and planned activities for
the forthcoming month
– self-appraisal reports from senior Diploma of Recreation (fitness) staff to
inform the centre manager of their performance throughout the month.