Page 88 - Up_and_Aware_Class_8_Neat
P. 88
Responsible Decision action…and why:
Share with the class.
What have some of the consequences of these actions been? Have you got into
trouble? Have you been caught? Has someone else got in trouble because of you?
Now I Know and this is what I Think…
Now that you know that freedom is not without limits and you understand that every
decision you make has an effect on you and others, think about two things you would
like to be free to do.
Here is one way to negotiate with your parents for your two freedoms. When you
exercise your freedom, you need to remember your limits. You also need to know that if
you do not respect your limits then there are consequences (effects), for example, your
parents may take away your freedom. They may want to add limits of their own. Engage
in a discussion and decide on the limits and consequences with fairness to yourself and
your parents.
Asking for these freedoms My limits My consequences
88 honesty open-minded individuality trust integrity respect commitment trust equality open-minded commitment
individuality integrity commitment equality honesty equality individuality integrity honesty individuality integrity respect