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                               Newspaper for Micro, Small & Medium Scale Enterprises

          Issue No. 68                                 Free Copy                            May - June, 2021

           Air Condition Supply, Installation & Maintenance Experts
           Air Condition Supply    , Installation & Maintenance Experts
                                          technician  to  do  a  thorough
                     h e n   h o t        and complete analysis before
                     weather  rolls       there is a significant change in

       Waround,  your                     the weather. Air conditioning
                     air-conditioner      repair is an important part of
       is  your  best  friend.    It      keeping your ac up and running.

       helps  maintain  a  cool  and      You want a reputable company
       stable  environment.    It                                                       Mr. Collins Baffour
                                          to  do  this  work  and  that  is        CEO & Chief Technical Officer
       keeps the unbearable heat          what  you  get  from  our
       outside, while you can relax       technicians.    WE  ARE  C.K.B        professional  and  reputable
       a n d   e n j o y   t h e   c o o l    TECH.  ENTERPRISE.  Check         air  conditioning  service

       t e m p e r a t u r e   i n s i d e .                                    company  that  specializes  in
                                          out our testimonials on our air
       However, over use of this          conditioning  repair  services        providing  professional  air
       equipment, if not properly         and  compare  our  rates.    You      conditioning  services  to  the

       maintained,  can  cause                                                  general public. They are the
           Issue No. 20                   will not be disappointed.             very  best  in  the  industry,
       havoc. What do you do when
                                                                                because  they  have  quality
       your air conditioner breaks
                                          Air  Conditioning  by  the            equipment,  they  have  the
       down?  Who  does  your  air        Professionals

       conditioner repair?                If  you  are  a  residential  or      best  technicians,  and  their
                                                                                skill and expertise is second
                                          commercial  Air  Conditioner          to none.
       Ideally, you should call your      owner, then you sure need the

                                          air conditioning service of an
                                          air  conditioning  company.
                                                                                They offer a broad range of
                                          Whether you are purchasing a
                                                                                air  conditioning  service
                                          new unit or just need to get          including;
                                          some  maintenance  done.  Call        A i r   C o n d i t i o n e r
                                          C.K.B  Tech  Ent,  we  are  a         replacement/supplies,

                                          friendly local air conditioning
                                                                                Air Conditioner installation,
                                          service company here to serve
                                                                                Air Conditioner repairs,
                                                                                A i r   C o n d i t i o n e r
                                                                                servicing/maintenance,  vent
                                          Yes,  you  heard  that  right;
                                                                                cleaning, duct cleaning, etc.
                                          C.K.B  Tech  Ent  is  a
                                                                                                        Continue on  pg 2
                                                                                                       Continue on pg 2
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