Page 66 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 66

            Flow Elements

            A flow element is the element that you flow portraits into. Portraits can only be flowed into flow elements, which
            eliminates the need to lock other page elements before flowing.

            ADD A FLOW ELEMENT
            Drag and drop a flow element onto
            the page from the Art Tab or the Flow
            Tab. Portraits will only flow into Flow
            Elements, there is no need to lock
            other elements.

            ADJUSTING FLOW
            To adjust a flow element, use
            the Flow Options palette in the
            contextual toolbar. Adjust flow
            element prior to flowing portraits.

            EDIT TEXT                        NAME OPTIONS                      PORTRAIT OPTIONS
            Adjust font, font size and text   Name Positioning: where the      Portrait Dimensions: Adjust the
            style using the contextual toolbar.   names show up in relation to the   width and height of portrait boxes.
            Text edits apply to the entire flow   portrait image.              Portrait Spacing: Adjust spacing
            element. Be sure to leave enough   Name Format: How the name       between portrait boxes.
            room for long student names.     appears. FIrst Last, Last First, etc.  Rows and columns: Adjust how
            You cannot edit an individual    Inlcude names: Choose             many portrait boxes there are per
            student name.                    whether to include names in       row and column in your
                                             your flow or not.                 flow element.

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