Page 67 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 67

            Portrait Panels - Creating Your Pages

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            Eliminate the need to lock elements before flowing. With flow elements, portraits only flow where they’re told to flow.
            No more finding the one photo box that’s one pica off, either. Flow elements move as a unit to avoid any issues with

            ADD A FLOW ELEMENT
            Drag and drop a flow element onto
            the page from the Art Tab or the Flow
            Tab. Portraits will only flow into
            Flow Elements, there is no need to
            lock other elements.

            Select the flow element.
            •  Use the Flow Options button in
              the contextual toolbar to adjust
              name position and format settings,
              portrait frame dimensions, spacing
              and the amount of rows and
              columns in the flow element.
            •  Add at least 1 point of space
              between portrait frames to create
              a visual buffer.
            •  Allow room for long/hyphenated
              names when formatting text.
              For best results, allow for two
              lines of text when flowing
              names under or above portraits.
            •  Be sure to adjust the flow
              element for your entire section
              before flowing.

            COPY + PASTE ELEMENT
            Copy and paste element onto the
            facing page or onto another spread.   COMBINING FLOW ELEMENTS
            Be sure to adjust name position   Flow elements of different positions/configurations
            based on whether the page is     may be combined in a flow. Keep in mind that
            a lefthand or righthand page.    flow elements will flow top to bottom, left to
                                             right. Use the Arrange menu in the contextual
            SAVE AS TEMPLATE                 toolbar to make sure the tops of flow elements next
            For fast multi-page formatting, save   to each other align (Align Object).
            the page or spread as a template
            (File>Save As Template).

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