Page 23 - FERC_2024 Handbook
P. 23

FERC Handbook

          FERC: Events Planning Coordinator - Work Description and Personal Qualities
          Title: Events Planning Coordinator

          Reports to: The FERC Board/Advisory Committee (AC)
          Main purpose: To propose to the FERC AC fundraising themes/ideas for events to be actively
          supported by the AC for future consideration.
          Working hours: Variable but an estimated 10 hours per month
          Key tasks:
          • Attend the majority of AC meetings and major events.
          • Following the selection of said event(s), prepare a proposal outline to include the following;
            - Proposed theme
            - Date options
            - Location options

            - Decoration ideas
            - Budget analysis
            - Marketing options
          • Present updated reports to the FERC AC.
          • Prepare a work schedule, and work commitments, solicit prizes or cash donations for possible
            drawings or raffles, organize activities, e.g. games and contests, recruit contributing vendors,
            speakers, seating as needed, entertainment, and sound equipment.
          • Organize  a  time  to  decorate  the  venue  requiring  significant  preparations  for  said  themed
            decorations. May require seeking cash solicitations for supply costs.
          • Maintain a checklist of task assignments and deadlines weekly communication with all relevant
            parties and participants, volunteers, especially as the event draws near to the event date.
          • Organize master of ceremony and speaker presentations.

          • On  the  day  of  the  event  activities;  organize  decoration  setup  with  the  venue  staff,  enlist
            volunteers and schedule their activities.
          • Organize volunteers to clean up afterward and transport items after the event as required.
          • Work closely with the Treasurer to prepare a cost and profit analysis and present it to the FERC
            AC;  lead  a  discussion  regarding  the  success  or  problematic  issues  of  the  event  to  be
            considered for the next event.
          • Work  with  the  Social  Media  Officer  regarding  the  promotion  of  fundraising  events  and
            developing promotional materials.
          • Any other duties that may be reasonably required by the Board/AC from time to time.
          Skills and experience:

          • Possess sound Information Communication Technology (ICT) skills e.g. use a computer, tablet,
            or mobile phone, send an email, browse the internet, and make a video call.
          • A good command of written and spoken English.
          • Experience working in a team-oriented environment.
          • Possess good time management skills.
          • An ability to work independently, flexibly, and creatively.
          • To be familiar with confidentiality requirements and data protection.

          Updated: 4 Mar 2024                                                                                   22
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