Page 20 - FERC_2024 Handbook
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FERC Handbook

                                 FERC: Scholarship Committee (SC) Officer
                                   Work Description and Personal Qualities

          Title: Scholarship Committee Officer
          Reports to: The FERC Board/Advisory Committee (AC) and the FERC Scholarship Committee.
          Main  purpose:  To  chair  the  Scholarship  Committee  and  manage  the  scholarship  functions  of
          Working hours: Estimated 15 hours per month; maybe more time during the months of November
          through February.
          Key tasks:
          • Attend the majority of AC meetings and major events.
          • Record meeting minutes of the SC (internal reporting).

          • Prepare a summary report for the AC.
          • Work closely with the Scholarship Committee members and manage tasks (see below) agreed
            upon at Scholarship Committee meetings.
          • Work  with  the  Sponsored  Student  Program  Coordinator  –  who  is  a  default  member  of  the
            Scholarship  Committee  –  in  terms  of  planning  bi-annual  Scholarship  Awards  Ceremonies
            including the student feedback process and invitations to sponsors.
          • Work with Social Media Officer in terms of promoting the scholarship outcomes of FERC’s work.
          • Work  with  the  Events  Planning  Coordinator  on  all  issues  and  in  particular  work  with  the
            Treasurer to investigate the potential for additional fundraising including Give2Asia.
          • Organize getting a photographer for student and events photos as needed.
          • With  the  assistance  of  the  Thai  Liaison  Officer,  liaise  with  the  Secondary  Education  Service
            Area Office 34 (SESAO34) about all scholarship issues including:

            - The selection process for students receiving new scholarships.
            - The organization of bi-annual Scholarship Awards Ceremonies.
            - The organization of field trips/school visits.
            - Potential development of an M3 scholarship program
          • With the assistance of the Thai Liaison Officer, the development and updating of the scholarship
            application form and guide.
          • Develop and manage the Scholarship Database.
          • Any other duties that may be reasonably required by the Board/AC from time to time.
          • Modifying speech template for Chairperson and including a brief intro to guest speaker if one is
            scheduled for scholarship events.

          Skills and experience:
          • Possess sound Information Communication Technology (ICT) skills e.g. use a computer, tablet,
            or mobile phone, send an email, browse the internet, and make a video call.
          • A good command of written and spoken English.
          • Experience working in a team-oriented environment.
          • Possess good time management skills.
          • An ability to work independently, flexibly, and creatively.
          • To be familiar with confidentiality requirements and data protection.

          Updated: 4 Mar 2024                                                                                   19
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