Page 12 - MSM Bloomberg Scholarship
P. 12

Bloomberg Scholarship Impact

                                     Making Student Dreams A Reality

                                                                                              What is your take on
        Samantha Mitchell                    been a challenge. I am on                    the nationwide shortage
                                             a provisional track and
        Adel, GA                             expect to graduate in 5                      of Black doctors? I think
        4th-year M.D. student                years. This journey has                      the shortage is discour-

            What first interested you in     been a difficult one, but                    aging especially going
        your program of study or medi-       it is has also made it very                  through the times that we
        cine? Was there a “light bulb” or    clear that there is no other                 are facing. Addressing the
        “a-ha” moment? Seeing the dispar-    career path I would take.                    shortage is something that
        ities in my hometown that were                                                    needs to be done because
        connected to health is what drove        Has the financial bur-                   representation is some-
        me to pursue a career in medicine    den of medical school been partic-   thing that truly effects the commu-
                                             ularly difficult for you? There is a   nity.
            Why did you choose More-         huge financial burden that comes
        house School of Medicine? I chose    with medical school. It has been        What advice would you give to
        Morehouse because it has many of     something I have struggled with      someone who is thinking of apply-
        the same values that I stand by. My   throughout my experience. How-      ing to MSM? To really be passion-
        goal is to help underserved areas    ever, despite the struggle, I would   ate about the mission and want to
        and be a positive agent of social    not want to work with any other      be a part of the change you hope to
        change to eradicate social determi-  demographic population because       see in your community.
        nants of health that many people     I feel like this is where I can make
        in my community face.                the biggest difference.                 What do you hope to accom-
                                                                                  plish in your career after gradu-
            Can you tell me a story about        Please share how scholarship     ation/residency? I strive to be a
        something that has happened          support helps you — academically,    future psychiatrist disbarring the
        during medical school that would     professionally, and personally? The  stigma that comes with mental
        illustrate what the MSM experi-      scholarship helps take part of the   health in the black community
        ence is really like? I think the com-  burden that comes with being in
        munity health experience that all    medical school off my shoulders.        If you could say or do one thing
        first-year medical students have to   Although I am fortunate to be       to thank the Bloomberg Philan-
        go through really illustrates what   here, managing how I can afford to  thropies’ Greenwood Initiative,
        MSM is like.                         sustain this career path has been    what would it be? Thank you for
            A group of students go to dif-   difficult. With this scholarship, I   this generational gift. It will help
        ferent locations in the community    can better focus on my dream of      so many people, who like me are
        to interview and analyze different   becoming a physician because one     trying to make a positive change in
        problems that area may face. In      less obstacle is out of the way.     a community that needs it.
        doing so, we become exposed to
        healthcare issues and try to come
        up with ideas to initiate change.                     My goal is to help underserved areas and

            Have you had any difficult                        be a positive agent of social change to
        challenges in your medical/health-         “          eradicate social determinants of health
        care school journey? Yes the whole                    that many people in my community face.
        process of medical school has
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