Page 14 - MSM Bloomberg Scholarship
P. 14

Bloomberg Scholarship Impact

                                     Making Student Dreams A Reality

        Mackenzie Ellsberry                  finances and debt all the                    they have Black doctors.
                                             time. Incurring six figures
        Southfield, MI                       worth of debt feels like a                       Do you volunteer with
        1st-year M.D. student                death sentence looming                       any organizations? Yes,

            Why did you choose Morehouse     on my shoulders. This                        I am a part of the MSM
        School of Medicine? I chose More-    scholarship, however,                        Black Men in White Coats
        house School of Medicine because     provides a source of relief                  chapter. We are a recently
        quite frankly, I don’t think there is   by covering roughly one                   formed chapter and seek
        another medical school like it. Talk   third of my previously                     to increase the visibility
        to any of the students here, talk to   anticipated student loan                   of Black men in medicine
        any of the faculty here. They will all   debt.                            and to provide mentorship oppor-
        tell you what I am about to tell you.    Words cannot express how         tunities to Black men in earlier
            This institution has a power     thankful I am to the Bloomberg       stages of their medical careers,
        that draws out the best in everyone,   Philanthropies for helping me sleep  whether they are still in high school
        promotes a strong sense of togeth-   easier at night by making my debt    or college.
        erness between classmates and        much more manageable.
        faculty, and it is a joy to come to                                          What do you hope to accom-
        this institution for higher learning     What is your take on the na-     plish in your career after gradua-
        or work.                             tionwide shortage of Black doctors?   tion/residency? I hope to open my
                                             I believe the nationwide shortage    own practice that operates at night.

            Can you tell me a story about    of Black doctors is a vicious circle.   My goal in opening a practice that
        something that has happened          A shortage of Black doctors means    runs on such hours is to increase
        during medical school that would     a shortage of visibility of Black    access to healthcare for working
        illustrate what the MSM experience   doctors.                             class individuals who may not be
        is really like? Due to the pandemic,     When young people do not         able to take a day off from work to
        my freshman class of MD candi-       see themselves reflected in a com-   visit the doctor.
        dates have yet to receive the tradi-  munity or profession, they are less
        tional MSM experience. Even still, I   likely to envision themselves as a    If you could say or do one thing
        am always grateful for all of the late   part of that group. Because Black   to thank the Bloomberg Philanthro-
        study sessions and Q&A’s that our    youth don’t see themselves reflect-  pies’ Greenwood Initiative, what
        professors host.                     ed in medicine, they are less likely   would it be? You have not only
            We have some really great pro-   to become doctors, which leads to    changed my life for the better, but
        fessors at MSM. These professors     continued low visibility of Black    you have positively impacted the
        have made it abundantly clear in all   doctors nationwide, and thus the   health of the tens of thousands of
        of their communication that they     cycle repeats itself.                patients that I will be responsible
        really care about us as individuals.     It is important to address that   for in the future-many of whom
        Coming from a large undergradu-      shortage because Black patients      will be Black. Thank you!
        ate institution, I am still not quite   have better health outcomes when
        used to being on the receiving end
        of some much attention and con-                        You have not only changed my life for the
        sideration from my professors.              “          better, but you have positively impacted the
                                                               health of the tens of thousands of patients
            Has the financial burden of                        that I will be responsible for in the future-ma-
        medical school been particularly                       ny of whom will be Black. Thank you!
        difficult for you?  I think about
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