Page 16 - MSM Bloomberg Scholarship
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Bloomberg Scholarship Impact

                                     Making Student Dreams A Reality

                                                 What is your take on
                                                                                              What do you hope
        Tempestt Walker                      the nationwide shortage of                   to accomplish in your
        Greenville, MS                       Black doctors? It is dis-                    career after graduation/
        1st-year M.D. student                appointing. Personally, I                    residency? I would like to

            Why did you choose Morehouse     know individuals of color                    have my own practice one
        School of Medicine? I chose More-    who decided not to pursue                    day. I would like to start a
        house School of Medicine because     medicine for the following                   nonprofit organization to
        of the environment of support. I     reasons:                                     assist in increasing mi-
        wanted to be a part of institution    •  The financial debt they                  nority interest in the field
        that shared my passion to help        incur along the journey;                    of medicine.
        those who needed help the most.       •  Being discouraged by faculty;       I would like to take on a lead-
        I wanted to help those that other     •  Lack of professional mentor-     ership position at a hospital to
        people over look.                     ship/guidance; and                  improve operations/quality of care.
                                              •  They think it is too difficult, and  I am also interested in becoming

            Has the financial burden of       don’t have the confidence.          directly involved in legislation as it
        medical school been particularly         It is important to address this   relates to healthcare and serving the
        difficult for you? Most definitely.   shortage because many of the        underserved.
        In my journey I have built much      underserved are people of color. If
        financial debt before medical        those underserved are being served      If you could say or do one thing
        school began. This debt has made     mainly by those that could never     to thank the Bloomberg Philanthro-
        me consider pursuing a higher-pay-   understand their situation, then     pies’ Greenwood Initiative, what
        ing specialty rather than working in   how can they adequately be served?  would it be? If I could do one thing,
        primary care; but if I do so, a part   There will always be a deficit of   I would take the support they have
        of me feels that I wouldn’t neces-   quality care if this is not resolved.  given me and amplify it. In that
        sarily be keeping my promise. I                                           amplification, I would share it with
        constantly brainstorm ways to still      Do you volunteer with any        others like myself; those who have
        work in primary care and resolve     organizations?  I volunteer with the  a desire to do something great yet
        much of my financial debt.           STEAM Academy at MSM, serving        they lack the mentorship and finan-
                                             as teachers and mentors to elemen-   cial assistance to get started.

            Please share how scholarship     tary students interested in pursuing    This would be a big thank
        support helps you — academically,    the medical field. I also serve at the   you to Bloomberg Philanthropies’
        professionally, and personally? Aca-  H.E.A.L Clinic, gathering firsthand   Greenwood Initiative because its
        demically, scholarship support frees   experience of what it is like to serve  support would go further than
        my worry about financial issues so   the underserved as a healthcare      changing the lives of 800 medical
        that I can focus on my grades.       professional.                        students.
            Professionally, scholarship
        support assists me in determining
        what field I will choose after medi-               Scholarship support assists me in determining
        cal school. The less debt I have, the
        more likely I am to choose a spe-                  what field I will choose after medical school.
        cialty that coincides with my desire      “        The less debt I have, the more likely I am to
        to help the underserved.                           choose a speciality that coincides with my de-
            Personally, scholarship support               sire to help the underserved.
        makes me feel valued.
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