Page 18 - MSM Bloomberg Scholarship
P. 18

Bloomberg Scholarship Impact

                                     Making Student Dreams A Reality

        Adonias Lemma                        professionally, and per-                     alized or misrepresented
                                                                                          for their health concerns,
                                             sonally? It will help me
        Atlanta, GA                          academically by taking                       driving them to not seek
        2nd-year M.D. student                off a huge burden of my                      medical help as needed.

            What first interested you in     shoulders financially and                    This can be corrected by
        your program of study or medicine?   allow me to focus on my                      increasing the number of
        Seeing my uncle dying from pan-      education.                                   black doctors.
        creatic cancer at the age of eight       Since my family is not
        due to being an immigrant and not    well off, I have worked                          Do you volunteer with
        being able to receive adequate treat-  since the age of 16 to                     any organizations? Please
        ment due to financial and immigra-   save money and pay money for my      provide details. Yes, I volunteer at
        tion status. It inspired me to never   college education and my profes-   the Grace Village Medical Clinic
        let another child have to experience   sional school education. With this   in Clarkston, GA. It is a Christian
        something like that.                 scholarship, I will be able to con-  clinic that provides health services
                                             tribute to the education of future   to patients that are without health
            Why did you choose Morehouse     physicians earlier in my career and   insurance or have a low income,
        School of Medicine? MSM resonated    advocate for the need for more       making them unable to afford
        with my personal convictions that    black physicians as a result.        health insurance. It primarily serves
        healthcare is a right, not a privilege.                                   the refugee community.
        This was evident in the institution’s    What is your take on the na-
        mission of advancing health equity   tionwide shortage of Black doc-         What advice would you give to
        for all, particularly members of un-  tors? There is a real need for Black   someone who is thinking of apply-
        derserved and/or underrepresented    doctors. I am saying this as a Black   ing to MSM? This a great school!
        communities.                         medical student who has rarely       If you are passionate about serving
            I wanted to attend a medical     seen a Black physician outside of    those that are neglected in our so-
        school that truly aligned with my    the primary care field There needs   ciety for various reasons, this is the
        beliefs and gave me the ability to   to be more diversity. It’s important   place for you.
        put into practice the things, I want-  because having people from the        If you could say or do one thing
        ed to see in the world               same community treating you is       to thank the Bloomberg Philanthro-
                                             paramount in patients being com-     pies’ Greenwood Initiative, what
            Has the financial burden of      pliant with treatments, understand-  would it be? Thank you for this
        medical school made you think        ing the health risks associated with   scholarship and investing in my fu-
        about pursuing a higher-paying       certain habits, and being willing to   ture as a physician. I am so grateful
        position, rather than working in     even come and see the doctor.        and cannot express in words the
        primary care or serving the under-       Certain health problems are at-  level of relief you have brought into
        served? Not necessarily. Regardless   tributed to certain groups of people  my life and that of my family with
        of the position, I did not enter this   that have been historically margin-  this financial contribution.
        profession for the money. I am in
        it to help people, something I am                      Having people from the same community
        reminded of every time I volun-                        treating you is paramount in patients being
        teer at free clinics and other events       “          compliant with treatments, understanding
        sponsored by MSM.                                      the health risks associated with certain

            Please share how scholarship                       habits, and being willing to even come and
        support helps you — academically,                      see the doctor.
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