Page 38 - MSM Bloomberg Scholarship
P. 38

Bloomberg Scholarship Impact

                                     Making Student Dreams A Reality

        Katie Peagler                        servant-leader. There was                    stresses of the finances
                                                                                          involved with medical
                                             no better option than to at-
        Lithonia, GA                         tend the #1 ranked medical                   school. I can focus more
        3rd-year Peagler                     school for social mission.                   on learning every day and
                                                                                          not as much on the loan
            Why did you choose Morehouse                                                  money I am receiving that
                                                 Can you tell me a story
        School of Medicine? It has always felt   about something that has                 will have to be paid back.
        like home for me. I participated in   happened during medical                     It positively affects not only
        pipeline programs from 8th grade     school that would illustrate                 me, but my future family.
        until I graduated from high school.   what the MSM experience
        MSM groomed me into the student      is really like? Our professor offered   What is your take on the nation-
        doctor I am now.  I knew that MSM    to have a review session for class.    wide shortage of Black doctors? We
        was a place I could continue to grow   Sunday worked best for everyone, so  urgently need more Black physi-
        as a future physician and servant    he came to campus and stayed with    cians. Our nation’s dark history has
        leader.                              us for hours.  Following the review   led to explicit and implicit biases
             The institution has a proven
        track record of producing compas-    session, he ordered Popeyes for the   that have placed black people in
                                                                                  disproportionately unfair circum-
        sionate and competent doctors and    class.  This may seem minuscule,     stances medically, socio-economi-
        I wanted to be included in that num-  but it illustrates the compassion and   cally, and educationally.  Statistics
        ber. I also wanted to learn and serve   family atmosphere that are charac-  show that doctors are more likely to
        right in my backyard, the communi-   teristics of MSM.                    take care of patients who look like
        ties I spent my childhood in.
                                                 Has the financial burden of      them. More black physicians means
                                             medical school been particularly dif-  that more black communities will be
            What first interested you in your
        program of study or medicine? My     ficult for you? Medical school is ex-  taken care of to help alleviate some
                                                                                  of the health disparities that we face.
        great-great grandmother was a mid-   pensive and the idea of the amount
        wife in rural south Alabama.  I lis-  of debt I have is troubling. However,   If you could say or do one thing
        tened to countless stories about her   I know that my passion is to serve   to thank the Bloomberg Philanthro-
        and had the opportunity to read her   the underserved.  I come from an    pies’ Greenwood Initiative, what
        notes and look through her bag of    underserved community.  Simply       would it be? This donation has
                                             put, there is no amount of money
        instruments.  From that experience,   that will steer me away from helping   further instilled in me the impor-
        combined with my love for biology    underserved communities.             tance of investing in the future. As
        and helping others, I knew that I                                         an established physician, I will pay it
        wanted to become an OB/GYN.
                                                 Please share how scholarship     forward by investing in medical stu-
            Was the institution’s mission    support helps you — academical-      dents’ education, just as Bloomberg
        important to you, when you were      ly, professionally, and personally?   Philanthropies has invested in me
        choosing a medical school? Yes.  I   Scholarship support alleviates the   and my peers.
        come from an underserved com-
        munity.  My family hails from
        rural south Alabama, which is also               More black physicians means that more black
        underserved. I have seen, firsthand,             communities will be taken care of to help alleviate
        the effects of living in areas where    “        some of the health disparities ... As an established
        access to quality food, healthcare,              physician, I will pay it forward by investing in medical
        infrastructure are disparate. My                 students’ education, just as Bloomberg Philanthropies
        personal experiences play a big role             has invested in me and my peers.
        in why I want to be a physician and
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