Page 34 - MSM Bloomberg Scholarship
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Bloomberg Scholarship Impact

                                     Making Student Dreams A Reality

        Ngafla Bakayoko                      has proven to me that I                      the system of racism and
                                                                                          educational disparities
                                             am supported financial-
        Silver Spring, MD                    ly here. Receiving the                       that leave little room for
        2nd-year M.D. student                Bloomberg scholarship                        the black community to

            Why did you choose More-         has further reinforced                       prosper.
        house School of Medicine? I chose    that when I am in my                             It is important to
        to attend Morehouse School of        purpose, which is study-                     address this shortage
        Medicine because of its mission of  ing medicine to become a                      because black people
        eradicating health inequities and    physician, I will be taken                   are dying—black moth-
        serving those underserved was        care of.                                     ers, black babies, black
        congruent with my own reason                                              children, black fathers, and black
        for pursuing medicine. I wanted          Please share how scholarship     girls—all at a greater proportion
        to go to a school that would mold    support helps you — academical-      than any other racial counter-
        me into a compassionate and          ly, professionally, and personally?   parts.
        skilled doctor, and I am confident   This scholarship has helped moti-       If we are to grow a community
        that Morehouse School of Medi-       vate me through some tough mo-       of black doctors who know the
        cine will do that.                   ments. As a second-year student,     obstacles their communities face,
                                             the workload increased drastically  we will be able to address this
            Was the institution’s mission    from the year prior, as we are       racial disparity that is occurring
        important to you, when you were      preparing for board examinations.  in our county.
        choosing a medical school? The       It is easy to doubt yourself and
        institutions mission was the main    want to give up when the required       If you could say or do one
        driver for me attending More-        level of performance is so high.     thing to thank the Bloomberg
        house School of Medicine. I knew     Knowing there are people that        Philanthropies’ Greenwood Ini-
        that I would become a compas-        believe in me so much as to invest  tiative, what would it be? Thank
        sionate and skilled physician by     in my education encourages me        you for investing in the black
        receiving an education here and      to understand that I am capable of  community. Time and time again,
        that is the kind of physician need-  accomplishing all tasks set in front  we receive love and appreciation
        ed in the world today.               of me.                               from others for our dedication in
                                                                                  improving our community, but it
            Has the financial burden of          What is your take on the         means so much to have someone
        medical school been particularly     nationwide shortage of Black         financially invest in our mission
        difficult for you? I always think    doctors? It’s interesting to read    to aid our community. Thank
        that when I am where I am sup-       accounts, showing that black peo-    you for seeing us, hearing us, and
        posed to be, all other needs—        ple are not less smart or incapable   believing in us.
        money, housing, necessities—will     of becoming doctors, rather it is
        all work themselves out. Coming
        into MSM, I was told by my finan-
        cial advisor to not be afraid of the                   Knowing there are people that believe in
        debt I would accumulate because                        me so much as to invest in my education
        it is priceless compared to the im-         “          encourages me to understand that I am
        pact I will have on the world and                      capable of accomplishing all tasks set in
        my patients.                                           front of me.
            The generosity of the school
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