Page 36 - MSM Bloomberg Scholarship
P. 36

Bloomberg Scholarship Impact

                                     Making Student Dreams A Reality

        Nicholas Martin                      hard circumstances may                       healthcare disparities as
        Kennesaw, GA                         be as a medical student                      disproportionate black
                                                                                          maternal mortality rates
        1st-year M.D. student                at MSM, it is extremely                      is just a small piece of the
                                             reassuring to know that I
            Why did you choose Morehouse  am surrounded by faculty                        bigger picture. Represen-
        School of Medicine? I chose MSM      and staff that want me to                    tation to speak, act, and
        because Morehouse School of Med-     thrive as well as support-                   advocate for health equity
        icine embodies its mission to serve   ive peers.                                  within minority popula-
        the underserved populations and                                                   tions is one of the most
        implement services that strive to        Has the financial bur-                   essential steps to pursuing
        provide health equity for all people.  den of medical school been partic-  health equity for all.
        My passion and values parallel ex-   ularly difficult for you? Absolutely.
        actly with the foundation of MSM.    Because pursuing a post-graduate        What do you hope to accom-
            Its mission, and the fact that At-  education is extremely expensive,   plish in your career after gradua-
        lanta is home to me, was a perfect   most students focus their trajectory  tion/residency? After my residency,
        location for me to pursue my med-    on paying off loans and financial    I hope to work in an urban (pref-
        ical education. I believe that MSM   independence, rather than follow-    erably safety-net) hospital as an
        can mold me into the best physi-     ing their passion.                   orthopedic surgeon or pediatrician
        cian that I can be by reinforcing its                                     for about 10-15 years. After that
        values of service and leadership..       Please share how scholarship     period, I want to open a collabora-
                                             support helps you — academical-      tive practice that focuses on various
            What first interested you in     ly, professionally, and personally?   specialties, community outreach,
        your program of study or medicine?  Scholarship support will allow me     and health education.
        Was there a “light bulb or “a-ha”    to focus less on the overwhelming
        moment? Seeing the widespread        financial obligation of pursuing a      If you could say or do one thing
        lack of medical resources, disease   medical education and thrive aca-    to thank the Bloomberg Philanthro-
        prevention education, and lack of    demically. In a sense, I will also feel   pies’ Greenwood Initiative, what
        trust within minority populations    free to explore my passions beyond   would it be? You are changing the
        was one of my biggest motivators to  areas of comfort. It allows me to    lives of thousands of future doc-
        pursue medicine.                     become the best physician I can,     tors, empowering them to chase
            From a more simplistic, but      rather than worrying about student   their dreams without the burden of
        personal viewpoint, I also saw       debt. Finally, this scholarship will   financial debt, and paying it for-
        through my mother’s challenges       open more doors to new learning      ward to those striving to establish
        that health is the most important    and work experiences.                health equity for all. I am extremely
        thing you can have on this Earth.                                         grateful and forever in debt for your
        To know that people’s opportunity        What is your take on the na-     investment in my education and
        to pursue good health is limited by   tionwide shortage of Black doctors?   will ensure you that your invest-
        disparities in healthcare and other   The inevitable manifestation of     ment will not be in vain.
        social determinants of health is
        heartbreaking.                                         Representation to speak, act, and advo-

            Can you tell me a story about           “          cate for health equity within minority
        something that has happened                            populations is one of the most essential
        during medical school that would                       steps to pursuing health equity for all.
        illustrate what the MSM experi-
        ence is really like? No matter how
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