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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 39

                             HIGH SCHOOL, 1958.
           How well David captures the spirit.
           Each year when school opens, the swimming season is in full swing
        and, in the hustle and bustle ensuing, swimming teams have to be found,
        tested, and organised ready for the High School Inter-House Carnival.
           Immediately upon this comes the State Secondary Schools’ Carnival
        at the Valley Baths, where there is excellent competition—too strong
        for Wynnum; but we hope that in the future we may be able to do
        better in this first class competition.
           To our disadvantage, we find we have so few keen swimmers
        which, considering our location, is rather surprising. Added to this,
        our swimmers, who are so used to salt water, find fresh water swimming
        much heavier. To overcome this, more practice is required in fresh
        water; but unfortunately the location of such pools makes visits difficult
        and expensive for the participants. Those students who made these
        visits are to be congratulated on their spirit, and those parents who
        lent cars are thanked most heartily.
           It is pleasing to note that more and more students are becoming
        members of various clubs throughout the Metropolitan area, and it is
        hoped that more will avail themselves of this opportunity of improving
        their proficiency, and, at the same time, indulging in a very pleasant
           As usual the aquatic sports were the highlight of the first term.
        The Inter-House carnivals were again highly successful and a credit to
        both organisers and competitors. The High School Carnival was won
        by Griffith House with 135 points from Lilley 109 and Wentworth 107.
           The individual champions were :
           Girls ; Open. B. Arnold, F. Ede, J. Cafferky; Under 16, P. Clarke;
        Under 15, J. Coulter.
           Boys : Open, P. Railings; Under 16, T. Niebling; Under 15, P.
           There were some excellent individual performances at this carnival.
        Notable among these was that of Pam Clarke of Griffith House, who
        won every event which she contested, breaking records in three of
        these by as much as 11 seconds.
           The general standard of diving in the school is also noteworthy. In
        one season this standard, in both plain and fancy diving, has risen
        tremendously due, perhaps, to the two new diving boards at the local
        pool.  At the Inter-School Carnival in March, although it was enjoyed by
        all, we gained very few points. Although most reached the finals of
        their events, the boys were able to gain only one place and that was
        by our promising young diver Ken Ede. Ken, with very little experience
        in competitive diving and high boards, gained fourth place in the open
        dive. The girls gained two places—a fifth by Pam Clarke in the Under
        16 breaststroke and fifth place in the Under 15 relay.
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