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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 37

           Again, as last year, the school was represented in inter-school
        competition by two teams—a school "A” team and a “B” team. A “C”
        team which was non-competitive played intermittently during the season.
           The competition was again split up between a North Zone and a
        South Zone.
           Both “A” and “B” teams were again placed second in the South Zone.
        The “A” team opened its account well with a comfortable win over
        Cavendish Road, and this was followed by victories over Camp Hill and
        Balmoral. Our stumbling block, however, was Salisbury.
           There were two rounds of matches to be played, and, although our
        “A” team lost no other matches, Salisbury, whose team was extremely
        strong this year with two of Queensland’s best juniors in it, defeated us
        both times, although we were not disgraced. The “B” team fared rather
        better: they defeated Salisbury “B” in their first encounter, but lost the
        next match and also the play-off in the Zone final.
           The members of the “A” team were M. Wilson, P. Banney, M.
        Bunney, T. Johstone, and of the “B” team, B. Davies, B. Reis, K. Ede,
        and A. Lentz. Although our teams this year were not quite up to the
        standard of previous years, it is hoped that next year, because of the
        amount of very good young blood in both teams, we will defeat Salisbury
           The school championships were again played most successfully this
        year. In the open division, M. Wilson defeated P. Banney for the title.
        In the Under 16 tournament, M. Bunney won the title from P. Banney,
        with T. Johnstone a semi-finalist. These three promising young players
        will form the backbone of next year’s team.
           All tennis players wish to thank Mr. Cox, whose job of organisation
        of the boys’ tennis at school and away from school was most
                                 GIRLS’ TENNIS.
           The girls in the tennis teams this year had the hard task of
        maintaining the very high standard of play which was recorded by the
        girls in the “A” tennis team last year, and were unfortunate in that
        none of the players in that team returned to play this year.
           The players in this year’s “A” team were Frances Ede, Lyn
        Stratton, Veronica Woods, and Judith Cafferky, while those in the “B”
        team were Maureen Eardley, Lesley Gardiner, Lula Szymanowski, and
        Loretta Blaney.
           Both “A” and “B” teams competed in the Q.S.S.S.S.A. fixtures and
        played good matches against Commercial, Cavendish Road, Salisbury,
        Camp Hill and Balmoral. The “A” team scored a victory over Camp
        Hill, but the “B” team was less successful.
           Four Intermediate girls, Aileen Barr, Lyn Tovey, Dianne
        Hargreaves, and Marlene Hargreaves, played as the "A” team, and
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