Page 59 - Coworking Course Syllabus&Lesson Plans
P. 59

“Up-skilling in Remote Working through Exploring the Relatively New Phenomenon of Co-working”
                   Grant Agreement &Project Number N 2021IT01-KA210-VET-000037820

                                             Lesson/Tutorial Plan

                   Subject:      Coworking
                   Topic/ Title:      Coworking Spaces
                   Co-working concept element:        Coworking Spaces
                   Grade Level:            High school

                   Designed by:       Zoran Kojčić

                   Date:         April 2023

                                              Description of the lessons: a series of /4/ lessons
                                              In  this  series  of  lessons  for  the  topic  of  Coworking  Spaces,  the
                                              students will learn both theory and practice of what Coworking Space
                                              represents as an idea and as a practical space for communal use. For a
                                              Coworking Space it is important to understand the needs of the users
                                              and to adhere to their requirements, to focus on what the community
                                              needs and how the space they use functions and works best in order
                                              to  inspire  productive  and  relevant  results  and  user  satisfaction.
                                              Students will learn that there are many needs which need to be met in
                                              order to achieve that – both with infrastructure of the space and with
                                              the social relations between the users. In these four lessons students
                                              will  firstly  be  introduced  with  the  idea  of  a  Coworking  Space,
                                              following the preparations for creating such space and the resources
                                              needed to achieve the optimum atmosphere, furthermore the students
                                              will  also  learn  about  the  design  of  the  space  and  how  different
                   Lesson        What is      elements should come together in a shared space which also demands
                   Overview      the          a more private setting from time to time, and finally the students will
                                 purpose      work  together  on  designing  and  mimicking  the  Coworking  Space
                                 of the       tailored to their needs or to the needs of imagined communities with
                                 lesson?      examples.

                                              Learning outcomes:

                                              Students  will  engage  in  conversation  on  the  main  ideas  behind  a
                                              Coworking  Space,  they  will  discuss  the  main  needs  such  a  space
                                              requires  especially  related  to  functionality,  sustainability  and
                                              community. They will engage in research on basic components of a
                                              coworking  space  and  investigate  the  main  actions  which  lead  to
                                              building  a  successful  Coworking  Space.  They  will  customize  an

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