Page 61 - Coworking Course Syllabus&Lesson Plans
P. 61

community.  One  of  the  main  goals  of  these  lessons  is  to  provide
                                              students with a clear picture of what a Coworking Space as a whole is
                                              and what are its’ key elements – the cooperation between people and
                                              the space they use, and the way they use it.


                                              Students will think and discuss about the notions of comfort, creative
                                              environment  and  space,  also  about  sustainability,  functionality  and
                                              community.  They  will  research  what  are  the  best  ways  to  build  a
                                              Coworking Space and how to design it and use it, and also how to
                                              deal with the users who share the same space. They will learn about
                                              the basic elements of a Coworking Space and how to utilize it for an
                                              optimum use. Students will also create and design their own imagined
                                              Coworking  Spaces  by  applying  the  main  ideas  and  principles  learn
                                              during the lessons.

                                              Perfect their 21  Century skills:

                                              Students will develop their critical thinking skills in dialogue on the
                                              main ideas of the Coworking Space, communication skills important
                                              to  address  the  main  issues  of  a  Coworking  Space  and  its’  design,
                                              cooperation  and  problem  solving  while  they  are  engaged  in  group
                                              work on utilizing and creating a Coworking Space, they will work on
                                              their medial literacy skills when they will solve the problems at their

                                            LESSON PROCEDURE AND SEQUENCE - ACTIVITIES AND
                                            TASKS TO ENGAGE STUDENTS
                                            LIST THE STEPS ON HOW TO CONDUCT THIS LESSON, GIVE ENOUGH
                                            INFORMATION SO THAT ANOTHER INSTRUCTOR WOULD BE ABLE TO
                                            CONDUCT THE LESSON

                                              School whole        Types of activities and Tasks /    Time
                                              class Teacher led   Resources Needed
                   Flexible      Lesson
                                              instruction/face to                                    4 lessons
                   learning      delivery&
                                              face                                                   of 45
                                 types of
                                 activities:                      First lesson starts with the       minutes
                                                                  Socratic Dialogue method on the

                                                                  notion of comfort. Teacher asks
                                                                  students what is comfort for them,
                                                                  what is comfortable, when they
                                                                  feel comfortable, in which
                                                                  situations and settings, whether at
                                                                  home or outside, going out, in
                                                                  school, and with which people
                                                                  and why. Teacher engages
                                                                  students with questions which
                                                                  reveal their attitudes toward

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