Page 10 - Wellbeing E-Book IV - Mindfulness
P. 10



        Meditation is a quiet practice that offers adults      A Simple Meditation Practice
        and children of all ages an effective tool to          Sitting comfortably or lying down, with your

        better focus. During a meditation you might            back straight, and your shoulders relaxed,
        focus on a sound, a word, a body part, a place         takeing a moment to notice your posture.
        or a thing. For this meditation we will focus          Noticing any areas of tension, or pain perhaps.
        on the breath, simply because the physical             You are not trying to fix anything, just
        sensation of the breath is something that is           notice. Allowing yourself to settle, with your
        easily accessible to you, and you can use the          hands softly on your lap, or by your side.
        breath as an anchor to maintain focus and tap

        into the present moment at any time.                   Gently closing the eyes or softening the gaze,
                                                               keeping the head straight and aligned with
        During this practice you may notice that               the spine. If you are seated, you may wish
        you get distracted by your own thoughts                to imagine there is a thread at the top of
        or emotion, or external sounds. This is                the  head that is supporting and holding the
        completely normal, so just acknowledge                 head up tall.
        and accept that this has happened and find
        your way back to focusing on the breath.               Taking a slow deep breath in, through the
        Even if this happens several times, this is            nose, feeling the breath enter, filling the lungs,

        fine and very much part of the process.                across the back and into the stomach.
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