Page 11 - Wellbeing E-Book IV - Mindfulness
P. 11

Eaton House Schools - Wellbeing e-book series - edition IV

        Slowly releasing the breath out through the            The process of continually returning to the
        mouth. You may wish to imagine that the                breath is key and the more you repeat this

        breath has a colour, so you can fully                  practice on a daily basis, the longer you will
        envisage the breath leaving the body.                  be able to maintain focus.

        Repeat this process, slowly breathing in and           You could start to notice results after just one
        out, following the breath for perhaps one              week, and you may be aware that your clarity
        minute, three minutes, or 10 minutes.                  of thought and relationships around you
                                                               improve as a result.

        During the meditation you may notice that
        the mind wanders. That’s okay, that’s what             The audio version of this short meditation can
        minds do. They get caught up in the past and           be found on
        often the future. When this happens, simply            schools/mindfulness-ebook
        acknowledge these thoughts and return to
        focusing on the breath.                                Here are some additional guided meditations
                                                               which might help too:
        Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe

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