Page 44 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 44
2 - Profiling¹: "Who am I?" - On the benefits of self-knowledge
The employee is not in line and contradicts the target agreement.
Often when, as mentioned in the first chapter, an FBI
interrogation is about building up a relationship of trust with a
suspect. Especially since your self-knowledge also gives you
precise information about your strengths and weaknesses and
your potential. Even more important are the statements of
personality diagnostics about the effect you have on other
people, on your interlocutors.
If you know how you will be perceived - with a high
probability - by your counterpart, you can reinforce
certain behaviors and tone down others.
You will also find it easier to understand other people's
reactions to your statements and behavior.
Let's take an example from sales to illustrate this. Many
salespeople are very dominant by nature. Of course, they want to
and should lead the conversation to a conclusion. They combine
this with their ability to inspire the customer. However, there is a
danger of being perceived by some customers as someone who
would rather take them by surprise, who wants to persuade
instead of convince - and who is not even afraid to ingratiate
himself on the relationship level. Of course, not every customer
will see it that way, but some do. This can have fatal
consequences for the salesperson. Now the good news:
salespeople who know that they are perceived as dominant
relationship managers can adjust to this and - especially with
certain customer types - take countermeasures early on and
change or adapt their behavior.