Page 138 - Boettcher.indb
P. 138
Key Point: The Big-Picture Question
You Must Ask for Every Hire
The question you must ask for your business is this: Which
skills must your employees possess to help achieve
your company’s objectives?
When seeking to fill a position, it’s essential to have a clear job
benchmark—this is the ideal profile detailing the skills and qualifi-
cations necessary for the role.
By adopting TTI’s Job Benchmarking Process, you can objectively
measure job requirements and ensure a fit with the company cul-
ture. This process allows you to effectively gauge the suitability of
candidates or employees for a role or promotion, enhance their
skills, and design a comprehensive onboarding program.
The advantages of an objectively defined job benchmark are substan-
tial, however that benchmark or profile must be updated regularly.
At least every two to three years, the benchmark must be revisited
to account for rapid changes in job requirements and the attributes
needed for success due to technological advancements.
Often, we see talented employees struggling in positions that don’t
suit them, akin to asking a fish to climb a tree or a cat to swim. Each
individual has unique attributes that significantly influence out-
comes, and the key is to ensure they are in roles that align with these
attributes. By applying the TTI benchmarking process, organiza-
tions can establish clear job profiles and then utilize TTI’s behavioral
assessments to evaluate both prospective and current employees.