Page 22 - final report_Neat
P. 22
• I got an opportunity to visit the site
that I have been working on working
• First of all, one datum point is
considered as reference point for
Ground lvl
marking. Then one face is made
perpendicular taking 3ft,3ft distance
satisfying Pythagoras theorem then
Basement lvl
similarly other centering is done
• Centering is done as shown in fig if
the land is not flat
• Plumb bob is used for marking in the
5ft down form
Since there was presence of basement
but the footing type is not raft . It was
designed isolated so up to basement
machinery equipment is used for
excavation further individual footing
excavation should be done manually but
machinery is used which later double
the excavation cost because of uneven
excavation an absence of sheeting shall
be good and cost effective if manual
excavation is done.( this is what site
engineer told me )
Before casting of the footing Stone
soling with 6-inch pcc of 1:3:6 is
done . This is called base preparation
Note: Our office didn't receive any new
residential project because there are tons
of project pending for working drawing
that’s why I was not able to involve in any
of residence planning, so I did more
analysis for better understanding.