P. 22



         TRANSFER OF

         KNOWLEDGE (ToK)


        Putrajaya,  March  2022  –  One  of  the
        components  of  change  management  is
        the  Stakeholder  Engagement  activity.
        Individuals with an interest in the project                                        Highlight during Stakeholder
        and who are immediately affected by the                                                  Mapping ToK Training
        implementation of a project are referred
        to as stakeholders. Thus, it is crucial to
        know  and  identify  the  stakeholders  in
        NIISe Project.

        The first step in stakeholder engagement
        is  stakeholder  mapping,  which  involves
        defining  stakeholder  relationships  and
        categorizing  them  according  to  their
        influence and impact on the project. On
        the  15th  and  16th  of  March  2022,
        Stakeholder     Mapping      Transfer    of
        Knowledge (ToK) Training was held and
        received  participation  from  Pasukan
        Petugas  Khas  (PPK)  KDN  and  the
        Immigration  Department  of  Malaysia
        (JIM).                                                                        Presentation from NIISe Contractor
                                                                                                during training session

              The training comprises:

              The Importance of Stakeholder Mapping
              and its involvement in the project.
                                                                 The  participants  learned  to  develop  the
              The four-quadrant influence-impact                 mapping analysis using the bubble charts
              matrix to categorize the stakeholders in
              terms of their influence and impact on             based       on       the      four-quadrant
              the project.                                       influence-impact  matrix. The  outcome  of
                                                                 this  training  allowed  participants  to
              The strategy for engagement activities             understand  the  importance  of  the
              and communication plan for                         engagement         and      communication
              stakeholders upon completion of
              mapping.                                           activities  required  for  each  group  of  the

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