P. 25
January 2022 - March 2022 |
BPR Document 2021 Signing Ceremony
The BPR document is documented to be the The ceremony ended with the signing of
main reference for the development of User the BPR Document Finalization 2021 by
Requirement Specification (URS) document YBhg. Dato’ Sri Khairul Dzaimee bin Daud,
as it describes the method of Director General of Immigration,
implementation of improvements to the accompanied by YBhg. Dato’ Makhzan bin
work process. The BPR document also Mahyuddin, Deputy Director General
provides a summary of the modules (Control), YBhg. Dato’ Zakaria bin
required in NIISe including policy approval, Shaaban, Deputy Director General
integration requirements, Key Performance (Management) and Tuan Mohd Jasmi bin
Indicator (KPI), and Service Level Mohd Juwahir, Director of Investigation
Agreement (SLA) for business processes and Prosecution Operations Division.
as well as equipment and hardware to be Representatives from NIISe Project Team
used in ensuring a comprehensive were also presented to witness the
implementation and operation of the NIISe ceremony.
NIISe eNewsletter Edition 04 | 7