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                       PUTRAJAYA,  January  2022  –  The  first
                       Benefit Realization Workshop was held from
                       19 until 21 January 2022.  The workshop was
                       attended by NIISe Project Team and Subject
                       Matter  Expert  (SME)  JIM  to  identify  and
                       discuss     the   measurement       of   benefit
                       achievement and Key Performance Indicators
                       (KPI) according to each module in NIISe.

                       Benefit  Realization  is  a  method  of  planning
                       and  implementing  strategies,  programmes,
                       initiatives, or activities that enable the project
                       to  realize  its  objectives  and  benefits.  The
                       objective of Benefits Realization development
                       is to evaluate the success of a programme,
                       project,   or    initiative   based    on    the
                       measurement  of  the  benefits  achievement
                       sets. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is the
                       tool used to measure the benefit achievement
                       of  NIISe  based  on  NIISe  modules.  The
                       workshop  was  conducted  to  identify  the
                       benefits of NIISe, selected KPI in measuring
                       the  benefits  realization  based  on  modules,
                       and set up the baselines for each chosen KPI.

                      Benefit Realization is a method of
                      planning and implementing
                      strategies, programmes,                                           Highlight during Benefit Realization
                      initiatives, or activities that                                        Workshop on Day 1 and Day 2

                      enable the project to realize its
                      objectives and benefits.

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