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                                                                   PUTRAJAYA, February 2022 – Change Impact
                                                                   Assessment  is  a  crucial  element  in  ensuring
                                                                   the  success  of  NIISe  project  execution
                                                                   considering  the  analysis  that  has  been
                                                                   conducted by NIISe Project Team in identifying
                                                                   the    impacts     on     humans,     processes,
                                                                   technology, and policy. Transfer of Knowledge
                                                                   Training  (ToK)  Change  Impact  Assessment
                                                                   was conducted from 8 until 9 February 2022,
                                                                   taking place at Level 6, Block D7, Complex D,
                                                                   KDN,  WP  Putrajaya.  The  training  was
                                                                   organized by NIISe Contractor Business Tower
                                                                   and  was  attended  by  representatives  from
                                                                   Pasukan  Petugas  (PPK)  KDN,  JIM  NIISe
                                                                   Project     Core    Team      and    Information
                                                                   Technology and Record Division (BTMR) JIM.
         Highlight during CIA ToK

                                                 The  initiative  of  organizing  the  training  session  is  to  share
                                                 knowledge  regarding  the  approach  and  methodology  that  has
                                                 been applied as well as best practices to execute NIISe Project
                                                 Change Impact Assessment. The training is also a platform to
                                                 practice skills and knowledge in sharing knowledge and skills of
                                                 impact assessment with the participants.

                                                 The  NIISe  Contractor  has  provided  an  opportunity  for  the
                                                 participants to participate in group activities where participants
                                                 need to identify what the impact is and how to fill in the change
                                                 impact  assessment  template  to  ensure  they  can  understand
                                                 what has been learned during the training session.

                                                 The Change Impact Assessment ToK Training received positive
                                                 feedbacks from the participants. They provided suggestions for
                                                 improvement  such  as  conducting  more  activities  with  the
                                                 participants  to  increase  their  understanding  of  the  training
                                                 syllabus.  Participants  also  suggested  NIISe  Contractor  to
                                                 conduct Pre and Post Assessment to measure the participants'
                                                 level of understanding of the subject. NIISe contractor has taken
         Highlight during CIA                    note of each suggestion and appreciates the support given in
         ToK Training                            ensuring the future ToK training can be executed smoothly and

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