Page 33 - INWARD TRANSFORMATON - Tom Hendershot
P. 33


              you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way,
              and when you lie down, and when you rise up.  You
              shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall
              be as frontlets between your eyes.   You shall write
              them  on  the  doorposts  of  your  house  and  on  your
              gates.”                                        Deuteronomy 6:4-9

              DAY TWENTY-FIVE:

                  Paul to Titus, "This is a faithful saying, and these
              things I want you constantly to affirm,…”

                           CONFIRM THOROUGHLY

                  The Greek word diabebaioomai means “to confirm
              thoroughly by words.” The Proverb says, “a wise man
              guards his lips.”  He  doesn’t  just  say  anything  that
              pops  into  his  mind  or  that  he  feels  at  any  given
              moment. If we are wise, we will be extremely cautious
              to ensure we speak in ways that consistently agree
              with everything God has said. Too often, we look at
              our circumstances and agree with them. We look at
              our surroundings and say, “It’s hopeless!” But every
              situation in this world is subject to the authority of
              God’s Word.
                  Some folks allow the flesh, the world, and the devil
              to  influence  them  far  too  much.  The  devil  tries  to
              deceive us. The flesh always wants to satisfy self. The
              world tries to squeeze us into its mold. God says we
              need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
              We need to be influenced by the right information.
                  Many  people feel  powerless  over  their  situations
              and surroundings. But you are not without power if
              you  have  Christ.  You  have  tremendous  God-given
              power. You can choose to agree with God. You can
              affirm  your  faith  in  God  by  confirming  thoroughly
              (what God has said). You do this with your words.
              Say  aloud  what  God  has  said  about  it.  Somebody

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