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General Repairs
General Repairs come to us in two manners – either via tenant reports or inspections
by staff. The processes for completing these repairs are similar.
When a tenant reported repair is requested it comes to us via a number of avenues –
either by phone, or email from the tenant or entered through our software. However
it is generated, the work order is entered and it is assigned by our Property Manager
to the appropriate vendor – that could be Nest PM Staff Maintenance or an outside
vendor team member. When assigned, the Operations Manager will communicate
to the owner a copy of the exact work order as it is entered. This will also include
the anticipated vendor to be utilized for the repair. The work order will be sent to
you via email and we will hold it for 24-hours before dispatching the vendor (unless
it’s an emergency). This is an opportunity for you to share a preferred vendor,
or if there is any familiarity you have with the requested work. After the 24-hour
period we will dispatch to our vendor. The repairs will be made and a bill will be
generated. A copy of the bill will be entered and will be emailed to the owner by the
Operations Manager. The bill will be paid from the funds collected for rent, or from
the maintenance reserve. If deducted from the maintenance reserve – the funds will
be reimbursed to the reserve upon collection of the next month’s rent.
We perform regular inspections of your property – typically quarterly we’ll inspect
the exterior of the home and we’ll inspect the interior of the home twice a year.
These inspections will be shared with you via email. Typically – the inspections will
generate maintenance needs. Some will be needed immediately and some may
require planning and preparation. Generally, we’ll establish a delineation between the
two with our initial email of the inspection. For those needs that require planning,
we’ll get proposals for costs of the work and approval. Unless the work presents an
emergency, we will wait for owner approval to complete inspection noted repairs and
maintenance. Once it is approved – the work will be completed, a bill entered and the
funds to pay the bill will be deducted from the rent received from your tenant.
Sometimes, the work completed will exceed the maintenance reserve or rent
collected. In these instances, an owner contribution will be required before we can
schedule the repair or replacement. You can contribute to the funds in your rental
account electronically without fee if using an ACH transfer.
Preventative Maintenance
There is routine maintenance that can be completed that will help cut down on
general maintenance and unexpected repairs that can be costly. Simply replacing