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filters on your HVAC system can go a long way in having the unit run efficiently and
                     effectively. Cleaning your gutters can prevent unnecessary leaks and drywall repairs
                     that can occur from water backing up from the gutter system into the home. Having
                     the dryer vents cleaned annually is smart and can prevent dangerous accumulations
                     of lint.

                     We offer a variety of preventative maintenance and can coordinate this work upon
                     request/approval. Preventative maintenance is certainly optional, but it provides
                     many benefits. We also can tailor maintenance packages to permit monthly, fixed
                     costs to pay for expenses, rather than one-time large lump payments of costs.

                     Tenant Responsible Repairs

                     Sometimes, your tenants will break things in the home that are beyond normal wear
                     and tear. These things will be billed back to your tenants. Generally speaking, these
                     repairs are necessitated by accidental misuse and are unintentional. They’re rooted
                     out by either tenant admission or diagnoses by our staff. Or, they’re revealed by
                     inspection. Regardless of how they come to light – our expectation is to repair your
                     property to its original condition as quickly as possible. The tenant will reimburse
                     the expense along with their next payment of rent. Sometimes there may be a delay
                     between payment of the expense and collection from the tenant, but these are
                     typically minimal and are treated in the same manner as a failure to pay rent.

                     Maintenance Reserve
                     Part of your contract with Nest PM is that we’ll hold a maintenance reserve for
                     expenses related to your property. The purpose of this is not simply to keep your
                     money, but is rooted in escrow requirements and keeping us in compliance with VA
                     Brokerage Laws. Under state brokerage laws, we are not allowed to spend money
                     we do not have on hand in your rental account. So, we must keep money on hand in
                     the event work is required during the time between disbursement of your rent and
                     collection of the following month’s rent. The money held is still YOUR money and
                     would be returned to you at the conclusion of our agreement. In conjunction with
                     this requirement – we typically work with small, local contractors who provide good
                     services with small overhead. This provides you with inexpensive, quality options for
                     repairs, but means that we need to pay them in a timely manner. The maintenance
                     reserve helps us meet both of these needs.

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