Page 20 - NestPM_ThePlaybookWeb
P. 20


                     Keeping track of your money seems like the most mundane of our activities when
                     you consider the maintenance needs, particularly emergency maintenance, and
                     customer service – anyone in the customer service industry knows those interactions
                     are anything but ordinary. And, we hope that accounting for your money is the most
                     basic task we perform routinely. Rent collection, paying bills, disbursing the net gains
                     to you. Simple, right? We hope it looks that way!

                     In reality – its much more complicated. “Simply” paying a bill is a process that
                     involves most of our team members to ensure it happens appropriately and that
                     your money is protected. The person who signs the checks, shouldn’t be entering the
                     invoices. There is a process involved to ensure against impropriety and to protect
                     accuracy. A bill is entered by the Accounting Operations Manager, approved and
                     reviewed for correctness by the Property Manager, processed by the Operations
                     Manager and finally signed by a Principal, before distribution to the vendor.

                     Owner’s Statements and disbursements (your money) are sent on the 15th of each
                     month. So – we collect the rent on the 1st, pay the bills associated with the property
                     for the month, and send the remainder to you on the 15th – at your discretion via ACH
                     or paper check. We typically will email the statement, but can send it via mail if that is

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