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c16GeneralEquilibriumTheory.qxd  8/16/10  9:13 PM  Page 664

                  664                   CHAPTER 16   GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM THEORY

                  Problem                                          (c) How would we find the general equilibrium for this
                  (a) What are the supply-equals-demand conditions for
                  the energy and food markets?                     Solution

                  (b) What are the supply-equals-demand conditions for  (a) The supply-equals-demand condition in the energy
                  the labor and capital markets?                   market is

                                                     50(10w   50r)   75(60w)  5000w   2500r
                                   1  2  50I W   75I B
                                 w r                                                                       (16.4)
                                            X                  X                   X
                  The supply-equals-demand condition in the food market is
                                                     50(10w   50r)   25(60w)
                                   1  1  50I W   25I B                       2000w   2500r
                                 w r                                                                      (16.5)
                                            Y                  Y                   Y
                  Equations (16.4) and (16.5) identify the points at which  (c) To find the general equilibrium we would solve the
                  S x   D x and S y   D y in Figure 16.9.          four equations (16.4) through (16.7) for the four un-
                                                                   knowns (w, r, X, and Y ). (We will not show the algebra
                  (b) The supply-equals-demand condition in the labor  here.) We could then determine the equilibrium in each
                  market is
                                                                   market (and, thus, the general equilibrium) by plugging
                                       2       1
                                  X r  3  Y r  2                   the values of these unknowns back into equations (16.4)
                           7000     a b     a b           (16.6)   through (16.7). This is how the equilibrium shown in
                                  3 w      2 w
                                                                   Figure 16.9 was actually determined.
                  The supply-equals-demand condition in the capital
                  market is                                        Similar Problems:   16.5, 16.6
                                        1       1
                                 2X w   3  Y w  2
                           5000     a b     a b           (16.7)
                                  3  r     2 r

                                        WALRAS’ LAW

                                        If you tried to solve the four equations in four unknowns in Learning-By-Doing
                                        Exercise 16.2, you would discover something surprising: instead of having four dis-
                                        tinct equations in four unknowns, you would really have three equations in four
                                        unknowns. That is, one of our four supply-equals-demand equations is redundant.
                  Walras’ Law  The law     This is an example of Walras’ Law, named after the Swiss economist Leon Walras,
                  that states that in a general  who discovered it. Walras’ Law states that in a general competitive equilibrium with a
                  competitive equilibrium  total of N markets (N   4 in our simple example), if supply equals demand in the first
                  with a total of N markets,  N   1 markets, then supply will necessarily equal demand in the Nth market as well.
                  if supply equals demand in  The reason that Walras’ Law holds is straightforward. We saw earlier that a house-
                  the first N 1 markets, then
                  supply will equal demand in  hold’s income is equal to the payments made by firms for the labor and capital services
                  the Nth market as well.  provided by the household. We also know that when households maximize their utili-
                                        ties, their budget constraints hold: A household’s expenditure on goods and services
                                        equals the household’s income. Putting these two observations together implies that
                                        total household expenditures on goods and services in the economy must therefore
                                        equal total payments by firms to purchase inputs. This last condition, coupled with
                                        supply-equals-demand in the first N   1 markets in the economy, will ensure that supply-
                                        equals-demand in the Nth market as well.
                                           Because of Walras’ Law, in the simple economy we analyzed above, we have three
                                        market-clearing conditions but four unknowns. This implies that an equilibrium in
                                        our economy will determine the prices in just three of our four markets. In the fourth
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