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1. Definition and Meaning of Faith.
In the Hebrew language there are six terms found in the pages of the Old
Testament that help us define clearly the nature and fundamentals of the word
In the bible dictionary the word faith is defined as the belief trust and loyalty to a
person or thing. When it comes to the Christian faith the followers of the Way
base their loyalty their trust and their belief in the person of Jesus Christ.
The system that forms the patterns of belief by which a believer bases his
relationship with God is made possible by the agency of the Holy Spirit. This
relationship with the father is formed through the love and obedience expressed
by the Christian in his earthly service to Christ as one of his disciples.
2. Old Testament Roots for Faith.
This kind of faith is self evidence among those who seek for safety and security
and who base their needs out of self-centeredness and confidence in their
abilities. The prophet Ezekiel in the 33 chapter and 13 verse of a person who
has righteousness as a virtue but this man proceeds to act in evil ways and does
wrong in the eyes of God yet still trusting in his righteousness. The writer of the
book says that though the lord has promised long life to this person he will end
up dying in his evil deeds and non of his good works will be remembered. The
prophet Hosea gives his countrymen a caution about placing ones trust in the
strength of many warriors. Chapter 10 and the 13 verse tells us that if we sow
wickedness the result will be reaping the results of evil and the final outcome
being that such a person will fall into deception. Why will this be? The simple
reason is that instead of this person placing his trust in the lord of hosts he
replaces this confidence with a trust in the abilities of great warriors. In the book
of Jeremiah chapter 49 the 4 verse we see this same attitude depicted by the
nation of Israel during a time when the people had been blessed with bounty on
every side.