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Lasers 101
(c) From Eq. (3.20), we have
R stim N 2
= .
abs 1
According to Boltzmann’s law,
N = N e −ℏ∕k B T ,
2 1
( )
R −19
stim −ℏ∕k B T −1.26 × 10
= e = exp
R abs 1.38 × 10 −23 × 300
= 5.29 × 10 −14 .
(d) The population density of the excited level is
N = N e −ℏ∕k B T
2 1
= 5.29 × 10 cm .
3.3 Conditions for Laser Oscillations
Consider a lossless gain medium as shown in Fig. 3.8, in which the incident light wave is amplified by stim-
ulated emission. The optical intensity at z can be phenomenologically described as
(z)= (0) exp (gz), (3.31)
where g is the gain coefficient associated with stimulated emission. For the atomic system with two levels, an
expression for g can be obtained in terms of the population densities N , N and the Einstein coefficient B (see
Section 3.6 for details). By differentiating (z) with respect to z, Eq. (3.31) can be rewritten in differential
form as
= g(0) exp (gz)
= g. (3.32)
The optical field is attenuated in the gain medium due to scattering and other possible loss mechanisms
similar to attenuation in optical fibers. The effect of loss is modeled as
(z)= (0) exp (− z), (3.33)
I(0) I(L) = I(0)exp(gL)
Gain medium
Figure 3.8 Light amplification in a gain medium.