Page 121 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
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102                                                               Fiber Optic Communications

            where  int  is the coefficient of internal loss due to scattering and other loss mechanisms in the gain medium.
            The gain and attenuation occur simultaneously in the gain medium. So, we have
                                              (z)= (0) exp (g z),                           (3.34)
            where g  = g −   is the coefficient of the net gain.
                   net     int
              A laser is an oscillator operating at optical frequencies. Just like an electronic oscillator, the optical oscillator
            (laser) has three main components: (i) amplifier, (ii) feedback, and (iii) power supply, as shown in Fig. 3.9.
            The atomic system we have discussed before can act as a gain medium and the light is amplified by stimulated
            emission. The feedback is provided by placing the gain medium between two mirrors, as shown in Fig. 3.10.
            The optical or electrical pumps required to achieve population inversion are the power supply.
              Consider the optical wave propagating in the Fabry–Perot (FP) cavity shown in Fig. 3.10. Let (0) be the
            optical intensity at A. After passing through the gain medium, the intensity is (0) exp (g L), where L is the
            length of the cavity. The light wave is reflected by the mirror at B, whose reflectivity is R . This means that
            the reflected intensity at B is R (0) exp (g L). The reflected field passes through the gain medium again and
            is reflected by the mirror at A with reflectivity R . The optical intensity after a round trip is (see Fig. 3.11)
                                            (0)R R exp [2(g −  )L].                        (3.35)
                                                 1 2          int
            The condition for laser oscillation is that the optical intensity after one round trip should be the same as the
            incident intensity (0). Otherwise, after several round trips, the optical intensity in the cavity would be too



                                                       Power Supply

                           Figure 3.9 The structure of an optical oscillator (laser) or electronic oscillator.

                                       R 1                             R 2

                                                   Gain medium
                                        A                             B

                                      z = 0                           z = L
                                   Figure 3.10  The Fabry–Perot cavity formed by mirrors.
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