Page 7 - CCFA Journal - 8th Issue
P. 7

加中金融                                      经济热点 Economy hotspots

    Loan Cessation: The Residents’ Side


                                         【作者】  伍戈:长江证券首席经济学家,曾长期供职央行货币政策部门,并在国

                                         About the author. Dr. Ge Wu, Chief Economist of Changjiang Securities, has long served
                                         in  the  central  bank's  monetary  policy  department,  and  served  as  an  economist  in  the
                                         International  Monetary  Fund.  The  winner  of  the  Sun  Yefang  Economics  Award,  the
                                         highest  award  in  Chinese  economics;  the  Pushan  Policy  Research  Award  and  the  Liu
                                         Shibai Economics Award, etc.



       1.  近期商品房“停贷”事件固然暴露出房地产市场的诸多窘境,但本质上也折射出微观家庭面临的罕见压力。纵观
       2.  历史来看,个人按揭贷款违约概率的提升并非简单的微观现象,而是与居民整体就业、收入等宏观变量紧密相连。
       3.  居民购房决策的函数似乎发生显著变化。疫情前,居民收入及预期稳定,房贷利率等需求端调控政策是影响商品
       4.  展望未来,政策层面或采取措施应对“停贷”事件,但居民购房决策将更趋谨慎。基建虽走强,其对居民就业、

          1.  The recent “loan suspension” for commercial housing has exposed many dilemmas in the real estate market, but in
              essence, also  reflects the rare  pressure  faced  by  retail  consumers. Looking  at the various economic  indicators, the
              restoration of the residential side is the slowest. The peak of the current pandemic has passed, can retail consumers
              reach  the  same  level  of  income  and  consumption  as  before?  What  kind  of  impact  will  they  have  on  the  overall
          2.  Historically, the increase of defaults in personal mortgage loans is not an isolated phenomenon, but closely related to
              macro variables such as the employment rate and income level. After the peak of each wave of the pandemic in the
              past three years, income level and employment rates have normalized but are still weak compared to before. It is
              difficult for normal citizens to see an extended recovery of their personal balance sheets.
          3.  The aim of buying residential real estate in China has changed significantly. Before the pandemic, residents’ income
              and  expectations  were  stable,  and  demand-side  policies  such  as  mortgage  rates  were  the  main  variables  affecting
              housing sales. However, the mortgage rates have only slightly decreased since the pandemic, with buyers not only
              considering the interest rate but also their income sustainability which is required for their mortgage repayments.
          4.  Looking forward to the future, the policy may take time to deal with this “loan suspension” event, and residents will be
              more  cautious  in  their  purchasing  decisions.  Although  the  infrastructure  is  stronger,  its  effects  on  residents’
              employment  and  income  are  limited,  which  implies  that  the  real  estate  restoration  will  be  slow.  The  number  of
              confirmed cases of COVID has risen outside China, and this typically is indicative of pandemic within the borders. The
              mutated strain of COVID-19 is highly transmissible, and this will continue to slow down economic recovery.

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   August 2022                        Page 7     第7页
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