Page 26 - CCFAJournal-FirstIssue
P. 26



                                          An Analysis of the Framework of

                             Large Financial Institutions After the Financial Crisis

                                                【作者】李祥林现任上海交通大学上海高级金融学院金融学教授,  中国金融
                                                  研究院副院长,风险管理研究中心,  金融科技研究中心主任,  金融硕士项

                                                  是《北美精算期刊》副主编,  加拿大滑铁卢大学客座教授。  李博士是信用
                                                  衍生产品早期开拓者之一, 发明的信用组合定价公式被市场广泛使用和学术
                                                  界认可,并获华尔街日报(WSJ)头版,  金融时报  (Financial  Times),日
                                                  本经济新闻 (Nikkei), 加拿大国家广播公司新闻 (CBC News)等报道。

                                                  David X. Li is professor of finance, and faculty co-director of Master of Finance
                                                  (MF) program at Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF), and an associate
                                                  director of Chinese Academy of Financial Research at Shanghai Jiaotong
                                                  University,director for two CAFR’s centers: Risk Management Center and
                                                  FinTech Research Center. Prior to these, he worked at leading financial
                                                  institutions for over two decades and had intensive experience in the areas of
                                                  new product development, risk management, asset/liability management,
                                                  insurance, and investment analytics. He was the chief-risk-officer for China
                                                International Capital Corporation (CICC) Ltd, head of credit derivative research and
        analytics at Citigroup and Barclays Capital, and head of modeling for AIG Investments.

        David has a PhD degree in statistics from the University of Waterloo, Master’s degrees in economics, finance and actuarial science,
        and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. He was selected as a director of the Investment Section of North American Actuarial
        Council, is currently an associate editor for North American Actuarial Journal, and an adjunct professor at the University of Waterloo.
        Dr. Li was one of the pioneers in credit derivatives. His seminal work of using copula functions for credit portfolio modeling has been
        widely cited by academic research, broadly used by practitioners for credit portfolio trading, risk management and rating, and well
        reported by media such as Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Nikkei, CBC News

        【引言】                                                   Introduction

        “2008 年的金融危机引起了国内外金融机构对对风险管理                           "The financial crisis in 2008 has caused a deep reflection on risk
                                                               management by global financial institutions. In the United States,
                                                               large financial institutions have increased their emphasis on risk
                                                               management and implemented a series of risk measures including
        在面对不断变化的经济形势时,金融机构应该更加关注风                              stress testing. Facing the evolving economic conditions, financial
        险管理,建立整体、反应迅速的系统来应对,同时也要结                              institutions should focus more on risk management and build an
        合新兴科技,使得管理更加便捷与可靠。”                                    integrated and quick responsive system to deal with changes in the
                                                               markets. In the meanwhile, the risk management system should
                                                               incorporate with the emerging new technology for improvement in
                                                               efficiency and reliability."

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   AUGUST 2020                      Page 26     第26页
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