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        二、美国在金融危机后的重要改革:压力测试                                  2. The important reform of the United States after
                                                              the financial crisis: stress test
                                                              (1) Overview of stress testing
        国金融业做了许多反思,也付诸了行动,其中一项很重要                             During the financial crisis, many major financial institutions in the
        的措施就是综合压力测试(DFAST-CCAR)。这一措施已经                        United States went bankrupt. The US financial industry has made
        实施了接近 10 年的时间,用来评估 35 家美国最大的银行                        many analysis and took actions. One of the most important measures
        控股公司的资本计划过程和资本充足性,包括公司的资本                             is Dodd_Frank Act Stress Test (DFAST), a complementary exercise
        计划行动,如股息支付和股票回购,并购等。而且,压力                             to  the  comprehensive  capital  analysis  and  review  (CCAR).  This
                                                              measure  has  been  implemented  for  nearly  10  years  and  used  to
        测试从最开始就是针对银行控股公司,而不是针对单一公                             evaluate the capital planning process and capital adequacy for the
        司的,因而从最开始就是穿透式的监管。  在和国内最近                            35  largest US bank  holding companies, including  the company’s
        谈到的“并表”类似。                                            capital planning, such as dividend payments and stock repurchases,
                                                              mergers and acquisitions. Moreover, the stress test is aimed at the
        压力测试主要包括定量和定性两个因素的要求。定量因素                             bank holding  company, not a single  subsidiary, which is  a  look-
        要求企业在严重的经济和金融市场压力的假设情境下有足                             through  supervision  from  the  beginning.  It  is  similar  to  the
        够的资本和流动性储备。定性因素包括的较为广泛,包括                             "consolidated balance sheet" recently discussed in China.
        部控制和支持该过程的治理实践。定性要求不是简单的要                             Stress  test  mainly  includes  quantitative  and  qualitative  factors.
                                                              Quantitative factors require companies to have sufficient capital and
        求公司产生监管所需的数字,而是检查你产生这一数字的                             liquidity reserves under hypothetical severe economic and financial
        过程,包括情景假设,情景扩展,  模型的建设、模型验                            market stress scenarios. Qualitative factors have broader coverage,
        证、模型风险管理等等一系列内容。自 2009 年第一轮压                          covering procedures and management of the entire process of the
        力测试至 2017 年第四季度,美国金融业的资本金从 5.2%                       company’s  capital  planning,  including  risk  management,  internal
        增长至 12.3%,大大降低了大型金融企业的风险偏好。                           control,  and  governance  practices  that  support  the  process.
                                                              Qualitative  requirements  are  not  simply  asking  the  company  to
        压力测试(DFAST-CCAR)在治理、风险管理实践方面,特                        generate  the  numbers  required  by  regulation,  but  to  evaluate  the
        别是在模型风险管理的正式过程、数据治理、全过程生产                             processes that generate the numbers, including scenario assumptions,
        环境、跨产品、跨资产和负债的内部一致性方面,对每个                             scenario expansion, model development, model validation, model
        银行控股公司都有很大的影响。  建立正式的治理结构和                            risk management, and so on. From the first round of stress testing in
        严格的过程、系统性建立从头到尾的生产环境系统对大多                             2009 to the fourth quarter of 2017, the capital in the US financial
                                                              industry increased from 5.2% to 12.3%, that has greatly reduced the
        数公司来说都是一个挑战,已经花费了数十亿美元,许多                             risk appetite within large financial institutions.
                                                              Stress  testing  (DFAST-CCAR)  is  applied  to  each  bank  holding
                                                              company  and  has  significant  impact  on  its  governance  and  risk
                                                              management  practices,  especially  in  the  internal  consistency  of

                                                              formal process of model risk management, data governance, entire
                                                              process environment, cross-product, and cross- balance sheet. It is a

                                                              big  challenge  to  each  bank  for  establishing  a  formal  governance
                                                              structure and robust processes, and systematically establishing an
                                                              end-to-end production environment system. The banks have spent
                                                              billions of dollars for these, and many of new employees have been
                                                              hired for risk and control management and model maintenance.

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