Page 12 - CCFA Journal - Sixth Issue
P. 12

宏观经济 MacroEcon                                   加中金融


                                    The Challenges and Constraints of Chinese Economic Growth

                                  Dr. Ting Lu

                                  士。2006 年加入美林全球宏观研究部,后担任美国银行美林证券大中华区首席经济学家和
                                  董事总经理。2015 年初至 2018 年五月期间在华泰证券担任研究所所长、首席经济学家和
                                  董事总经理。2018 年 5 月加入野村证券,担任董事总经理和中国首席经济学家。陆挺在业
                                  内获得多项荣誉,包括 2010 和 2011 年被彭博通讯社评为预测最准确的中国经济学家。
                                  2013 至 2015 年连续三年蝉联国际最权威的《机构投资者》杂志亚洲区经济学家排名第
                                  一,2021 年《财资》亚洲债券市场经济学家排名第一。陆挺也是特许金融分析师 (CFA),

    2020 年春,面对新冠疫情暴发对宏观经济的巨大冲击,中央果断放弃设置当年的 GDP 增长目标;2021 年初经济复苏时,
    何设定 2022 年 GDP 增长目标就是一个非常棘手的难题。疫情前还被视为天经地义的“保六”几乎销声匿迹。以社科院为

    估,但疫情本身难于预测,不确定性非常大,因此不宜设置 5%这样的底线。

    度 GDP 环比增速必须从 2021 年的约 0.8%大幅上升至 2022 年的 1.4%左右,中央政府必须出台更大规模的宽松刺激政策才
    能达此目标。这里需要说明的是,2021 年虽然设置了 6%的增长底线,但这个底线的意义不大,原因是受疫情冲击,2020
    年一季度中国 GDP 增速只有-6.8%,全年只有 2.2%,因此对 2021 年来讲,形成极低的比较基数。若和 2019 年比较,2021
    年 6%的 GDP 增长对应于只有 4.1%的两年均速。从已有数据来看,即使经济下半年在大幅走软,2021 年中国全年 GDP 增速
    也会接近 8%。 首先,判断当前经济的下行压力,主要体现在三个方面,一是房地产行业板块还在恶化,地方财政也会被
    此拖累;二是出口增速势必大幅下行,2021 年经济增长最重要的动力将快速消失。三是疫情带来的经济成本可能会逐步

    In the spring of 2020, faced with the huge economic impact from the COVID outbreak, the Chinese government gave up setting a
    GDP  growth  target  for  that  year.  However,  the  central  government  When  the  economy  begun  recovering  in  early  2021,  the
    government resumed setting the “6% or more” GDP growth target – this reflected the flexibility of the central government. The
    current impression of risk in China has superimposed policy adjustments which are easing the economy. For the central government,
    it is difficult to set up the 2022 GDP growth target since the six pillars of stability set up before the pandemic – employment, financials,
    foreign trade, foreign investment, domestic investment, expectations – have all but disappeared. The popular mainstream GDP
    growth rate in China has been touted at around 5.5%.
    The current downward pressure on the economy is caused by both cyclical and long-term structural factors, and despite the recent
    stimulus, maintaining this growth will be a challenge. The uncertainty resulting from the pandemic makes it difficult to be comfortable
    with a bottom-line GDP growth rate of 5%. To reach this growth rate, the average quarterly GDP growth rate must be increased to
    1.4% in 2022 from 0.8% in 2021 was 0.8%, and this would require the introduction of larger-scale monetary easing from the central
    government to achieve this goal. The central government can instead set a more flexible target of “about 5%”. Given the pandemic
    shock in 2020, the GDP growth rate in 2021 had a lower base to start from and hit close to 8% that year.
    The pressure on the economy is reflected in three parts. First, the deteriorating real estate industry sector which would drag down
    local financing. Second, the export growth rate – one of the most important driving forces for economic growth – is bound to decline
    sharply. Third, the economic costs brought on by the pandemic may increase.

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   February 2022
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