Page 32 - MyMT EATS Recipe book (Proofed May 2017) (2)
P. 32

Grated apple or stewed apples
                                 with flaked almonds, raisins
                                 and large coconut flakes. Add   Roast vegie salad (from the   Mashed kumara,   Banana (not too ripe);
                                 1 tablespoon of LSA; berries   night before) with some   pumpkin & carrot/   almond butter on
                                 [if frozen, then just thaw] and                                   celery sticks; apples;
                TUESDAY          probiotic coconut yoghurt. Add   added feta or some cooked   cooked kale or   blueberries; organic
                                 other chopped nuts (e.g.   bacon for protein. Also add   silverbeet/ add a red-  dates and some
                                 walnuts) depending on your   1/2 avocado for extra Omega   meat protein e.g. lamb   organic cheese or
                                                         3 fats.
                                 tolerance. This can also be                                       probiotic brie
                                 made up the night before and
                                 soaked as a Bircher Muesli is.

                                                                                Depending on the time
                                                                                and size of your
                                                                                lunch,then pumpkin
                                                                                soup with added cooked
                                                         Green salad with olives,   brown rice and extra   Rotate the snacks
                WEDNESDAY                                tomato, boiled egg, avocado,   silverbeet is good here.   around as the gut
                                                         apple, small bits of cheese   Add grated organic   tolerates.
                                                                                cheese on top and also
                                                                                for added protein, then
                                                                                heat the soup with some
                                                                                shredded chicken.

                                 Smoothie with berries, LSA
                                 and kiwifruit. One tablespoon   Gluten free quiche with salad   Salmon, cooked vegies
                THURSDAY         of coconut probiotic yoghurt   or similar      - no grains.
                                 can be added as well.

                                                         Any salad with some added
                                 Depending on how you are   protein or jave a roast vegie   Fish [baked or grilled]
                FRIDAY           tolerating a sourdough toast,   salad with some feta cheese   and home-made
                                 then have this again with
                                 avocado and bacon.      and/or hummus to keep it   kumera chips and salad
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